Friday, December 15, 2006

Policy problems cause poor graduation rates

It's obvious to many of us why the Dudley graduation rates are so low: We don't spend enough money on education in Guilford County. What is it now, about $10,000 per student? How can we expect these folks to read at an eighth-grade level when they graduate?

Hey, look on the bright side - not everything is down. Crime is up 5.2 percent in the North Carolina public schools. When I was in high school they didn't have to report crime statistics, and almost everyone graduated, and we could actually read our diplomas. Of course, we weren't blessed with diversity, as are today's left-wing indoctrination camps.

We are outraged by failed and failing policies in Iraq, and many demand our withdrawal, but we continue with failed and failing policies in our public schools with demands for more money, which thus far hasn't worked.

Maybe we need a bipartisan FSSG (Failing Schools Study Group) to make recommendations to get us out of these failed and failing schools. It would be comprised of five liberal Democrats and five moderate (liberal) Republicans. It 's the only hope for our schools, except, of course, for increasing spending. I vote for withdrawal.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
December 15, 2006

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Rest well, Osama

The Demo-rats’ most admired foreign “dissident,” Osama B. Laden has praised their recent election victory. Saying that he also hates George Bush, he was happy to be able to help his good friends defeat their mortal enemy. He added that he will continue to help them bring down the Bush presidency, and would like to meet with Comrade Pelosi, and Mohammed “we killed the Patriot Act” Reid to discuss their mutual interests. Bin Laden, since the election, has apparently been able to leave his mountain cave to move into a nice condo in downtown Peshwar, complete with cable so he can watch his favorite television channel, Al Jazeera West (CNN). B Laden, while reciting the Demo-rat’s talking points, even mentioned a recent Gallup poll indicating that they share many of the same goals. How did the Dems get those talking points to the correct cave in Pakistan? Howard Dean must have Osama's cell number on his speed dial! B.Laden particularly praised Reid for killing the Patriot Act, which is a real thorn in Osama's side. Kudos also went to house leader Pelosi, Senator Durbin, and Admiral Kennedy, hero of the battle of Chappaquiddick, for leading the fight for the Al Qaeda "Bill of Rights”, including Habeas Corpus rights for captured terrorists., the new self proclaimed owners of the shameless Demo-rat Party, was also signaled out for procuring thousands of online signatures demanding the president not retaliate against the 9/11 "freedom fighters," as the left identifies them. Next item on the Osama’s agenda is getting John Kerry elected in 08.” Osama will provide financial backing if Kerry will promise not to say anything that is not written down for him! Sleep well, Osama, the Dems will continue to fight to keep us from intercepting your calls to our country!

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

November 15, 2006

Friday, October 27, 2006

Vote Democrat

How is it possible that the good people of this state continue to keep the Democrats in charge of the legislature? Perhaps it’s our terrible public education system, ranked among the lowest of all 50 states, that fails to properly educate people. Or perhaps our citizens simply like living in the highest taxed of the 12 Southern states, or having the second or third highest gas tax in the country, while being provided the fifth worst roads, as the Democrat controlled legislature steals 500 million dollars from the highway fund, apparently so Jim Black can bribe Mr. Decker to change parties, and then pay Mr. Decker’s legal bills after Decker is indicted for corruption. Hopefully they will soon be cellmates in Central Prison, the Raleigh location best suited for them!

We also, of course, have to provide in-state tuition to illegals, and also provide them with medical coverage, something that far too many of our citizens lack. Who else but Democrats, self-identified champions of the “little” guy, tax the purchase of food, the most regressive of all taxes?

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

October 27, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Fertility gap

Okay, when I’m wrong I admit it. Take abortion for example. Perhaps we’re not having nearly enough abortions. I’ll explain. Arthur Brooks, a Syracuse public affairs professor has released a study saying that liberal households are producing children at a rate 41% less than conservative households, 147 babies per hundred households as opposed to 247 babies in conservative households. I assume that this “fertility gap” has many causes, including the liberal’s love affair with abortion, and a real fear that more than 1.47 children per household will hasten the end of the world by exhaling carbon dioxide when we exhale, which causes, according to liberals, the “greenhouse” effect, which, according to liberals, causes global warming, which according to liberals, will kill us all within 10 years.

More importantly, if this gap persists, in 2012 a state with a current 50-50 split will be 54-46 conservative. Better yet, in 2020 a “blue” state like California, which is now 55-45 liberal will become 54-46 conservative. I was wrong about abortion. I apologize. To make amends I intend to open a “reproductive rights” clinic, and offer buy one get one free abortions to all liberals!

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

September 26, 2006

Saturday, September 16, 2006


If ignorance were a crime our jails would be bulging with liberals. Amazingly, these lunatics wear their ignorance as a badge of honor. Let’s explore the enemies of the left. Their newest target is Wal-Mart. The liberals have declared war on Wal-Mart, as they have on most institutions that are good for our country. When asked by Pew Research whether Wal-Mart is good or bad for the country, real people, by 64-24% answered good, while only 45% of liberals answered good.

Next on their enemies list are the oil companies. Oil is the lifeblood of Western Civilization. Without oil we’d be Afghanistan. 1000 years ago (or today!). Liberals have demagogued this industry for as long as I can remember, while using their products each day to enhance their otherwise miserable lives. When gasoline prices rise, they are the first ones to wail. Now that oil and gasoline prices have plummeted, the idiots on the left are actually talking about a “conspiracy” by Bush to lower gasoline prices! Honest. You can’t make this stuff up. Once again, what’s good for America is bad for Demo-rats. Lower gas prices are suddenly bad. Madness. Despite having been told for 35 years, that we’re running out of oil, including Jimmy Carter telling us in 1978 that there were only ten years reserves left, we now discover that we’ve used only about 18 percent of total supplies, leaving enough for about 140 years. Don’t tell Al Gore or Jimmy Carter!

Also, abortion: good. Executing convicted murderers: bad. Illegal drugs: good. Pharmaceutical companies: bad. Calling Bush a Nazi in our schools: good. Saying, “under God” in the pledge: bad. Harsh questioning of terrorists: bad. Using the same tactics on women and children at Waco: good. Liberals are God’s joke on the rest of us.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

September 16, 2006

Saturday, August 26, 2006

$7.2 million surprise

“School repair tab hits $7.2 million. It’s a complete surprise,” says the COO for the schools. The head of the school board was only somewhat surprised! Were we—the taxpayers—surprised? Why would we be? This is not the first time that taxpayers have been screwed by contractors hired by elected officials to “fix” a problem. Is every elected official a mindless bleeping idiot who has never heard of “due diligence,” who feels it is their God given right to waste and misuse taxpayer dollars? The media love it when corporate executives are sent to prison for ripping off employees and shareholders. We are continually ripped off by the sheer dishonesty or incompetence of elected officials. The difference being, elected officials merely say, “Oops, guess we’ll demand more taxpayer dollars.”

I once, half jokingly, suggested that all elected officials be required to carry malpractice insurance. If a surgeon removes the wrong leg he can’t simply say, “Oops, sorry. I’ll fix it, but you’ll have to pay for two surgeries.” The surgeon would be sued for millions. Only elected officials can continually—without sanction—misuse taxpayer dollars. Incredibly, these projects are 400 percent over budget and these incompetents apparently had no clue or didn’t care. If it were their money they would care. Every person involved with this fiasco should be held accountable. They should be immediately removed from office, or if not elected, fired and forced to pay some sort of restitution. We’re already hearing from these obviously tone-deaf idiots that they will need to issue more school bonds (raise taxes). If these people were held to the same standards as corporate executives few of them would be still running loose! Why is the media not clamoring for their heads?

Tony Moschetti
Old Winston Rd

August 26, 2006

Democrats still too soft on worldwide terrorism

The recently foiled terror plot hatched in England is a striking example of why we cannot afford to have the weak-kneed Democrats in charge of our security.

The tools used to discover this diabolical plot, including foreign money-tracking and monitoring citizens' phone conversations, have been vociferously opposed by the Democrats. Obtaining search warrants based on "reasonable suspicion," not probable cause, as were the warrants in England, would be a non-starter for Democrats. Had this plot been hatched here, thousands may have died while Democrats clamored for Bush's impeachment.

Thank God the British don't have a party like the Democrats during this most dangerous period. This is a clash of civilizations, long wanted by the radical Muslims. They can't escape their 10th century mentality. Yet, we have a political party that believes we are the problem, and that Bush, not the terrorists, is responsible for terrorism. They continue to wail about Iraq being a terrorist breeding ground. Was Iraq the reason for the 1993 World Trade Center attack? The Africa embassy bombings in 1998? The USS Cole attack in 2000?

If you Democats don't want to join the terror war, at least please stop trying to impede it.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
August 26, 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

So they hate us

Dear Mr. Friedman:

So the world hates us, except of course when they have a major catastrophe, earthquake, Tsunami, etc., or need us to fix something somewhere in the world. We've been here for 250 or so years and have left the rest of world in the dust in terms of our economy and our military strength. We had to save full-grown Europe twice when we were still children and adolescents.

Who cares if they hate us, mostly because of their envy of our success?

"His own ideological bubble." Does that mean he does what he says he'll do? Does that mean he won't waste his presidency sucking up to vile terrorists such as Yassar Arafat? Arafat spent more time in the White house than did Hilliary. What good did it do. What long term affect did Jimmie's love affair with the terrorists have? What about all the Clinton Administrations dealing with North Korea do? Now the remnants of that administration criticize Bush for not doing what they did. What exactly is it they did right. They, like most deranged liberals, thought we could just sit down and talk with these people, let them male their nuclear weapons, don't attack terrorist strongholds, refuse the Sudanese offer to hand over O.B. Laden, give missile guidance technology to the Chinese, and so on and so forth. Gee, all of that worked out really well didn't it?

May his "ideological bubble" is simple common sense, and a recognition of what has been tried since "Jimmie's" beloved administration has made the world a much more dangerous place. And now they, instead of looking for a long-term solution, want yet another useless "cease fire", or let's give the terrorists time to regroup and rearm. Give me a break, please. We should re-arrange the world map without the Middle East. The terrorism and the Middle East conflict would cease. See how simple it is?

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

July 31, 2006

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Road widening

My previous letter concerned the pickpockets (City Clowncil & Mayoress) who continually have their hands in our pockets to fund their favorite projects, which usually benefit only a small percentage of city residents. A clowncil member suggested I should be happy because my street is to be widened. Happiness was not my reaction! My street, Old Winston Rd, runs from Crescent Ford for approximately 2 miles where it dead ends into two gas stations. Going north, Hartley Dr. is the only through street to N. Main. All others dead-end after a block or two. There is little traffic north of Hartley. If Old Winston Road carries so much traffic so as to require widening, why is the waiting time at the traffic signal at Hartley/ O.W.R more than twice as long for the O.W.R. traffic?

When O.W.R was a main route from High Point to Winston Salem via 311N, there was considerably more traffic. The new 311 Bypass, and Hartley Drive have eliminated most of that traffic. It’s now mostly local traffic. Spending millions to widen a road that goes nowhere is idiotic. I suspect that outdated traffic figures from pre-Hartley/311 bypass days were used to justify this needless project. Why are they doing this? Because they can steal our property without compensation, then force us to fund the project with tax dollars. Didn’t we fight a war for independence from this kind of government tyranny? No matter the state of the local economy, the outrageous cost of energy, or anything else that forces most of us to re-evaluate spending priorities, and postpone or cancel projects, the politicians are going to continue to view us as their bottomless piggy banks. They are not about to postpone or cancel any project no matter how unnecessary or senseless.

Tony Moschetti
Old Winston Rd

July 29, 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

How about declaration against local whiners?

It's time for a "Declaration Against Intolerable Black Paranoid Whiners."

These self-anointed "leaders" (an oxymoron) do their community a disservice by blaming all of their problems on white racists.

I did not see an outpouring of community support, crossing racial, ethnic and religious lines, for Willie Best like we saw for David Wray. Yet, there was no outrage from Concerned White Leaders at his ouster.

The decision was accepted and everyone moved on.

Apparently, the BPWs feel that if you are black, you can't be fired whether or not you are competent.

Apparently, the BPWs think that school authorities are going into classrooms and randomly picking out black students, who are simply quietly doing their lessons, and suspending them. It's not a secret that blacks create most of the discipline problems in our schools.

That's why they are suspended, not because they are black.

Not many of these black "leaders" could get elected dogcatcher in a district where the qualifications are more than simply being black. This is true not because they are black, but because they are out of the mainstream of society.

Make all candidates run county­wide to test my theory.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
July 19, 2006

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

City Clowncil is a joke

Following publication of my last letter blasting our tax happy City Clowncil, and their ringleader in picking our pockets, the Mayoress, I got phone calls from two of the good folks involved. One was all for the never-ending tax hikes for our citizens, some who have not had a pay raise in two or three years, and one (the only one) who voted against the budget. He told me that he was tongue lashed by the Mayoress for his no vote. She must be a Democrat! She should move to New Jersey and run for office, a place where the Democrats shut down the state by arguing over WHICH taxes to raise! If high taxes solve budget problems, why isn’t New Jersey rolling in dough?

The other clowncil member insisted that I was wrong when I said we pay considerably more for electricity than Duke Power customers, and that our rate increase was less than 1 percent. I sent him the figures from my bill, and cost per kilowatt-hour posted on the Duke Power website for my zip code. The difference was 18 percent. So with only a small increase, it’s now 19 percent! He also asked me which services I’d like to see cut. I asked him if he thought we had enough ball fields yet in High Point. I also asked what percentage of the residents used these ball fields. I also suggested that if people want more ball fields they should pay a usage fee just as golfers do at the two city courses. Why can’t they have their neighbors pay for their golf? Finally he suggested that since the street on which I live is to be widened, so I should be happy. That one really set me off, and I’ll explain why in my next letter.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC.

July 11, 2006

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Please send me the names of City Council members, and any other politician who is able to extort our money, who earns 20-35K annually. Once again the already overburdened taxpayers are forced to fork out even more to make up for the never-ending fiscal irresponsibility of our elected officials. The mayor tells us that they were “backed into a corner by rising fuel costs and other factors.” Obviously the mayor, and her elitist friends don’t understand that most of the rest of us are in the same corner. The difference is that we can’t extort money from our neighbors to continue to live as we had in the past if we don’t have the “revenues” to do so. We have to make changes in our household budgets to cope with the rising fuel costs and “other factors”, whatever that innocuous term means.

We already pay approximately 25 percent more for electricity than Duke Power customers because of idiotic decisions made by politicians in the past, creating a massive debt. They are the ones who should pay off that debt. Politicians should be required to carry “malpractice” insurance! We have already had increases in our utilities far greater than inflation rates over the past five years. Do the elitists care that this has been one of the areas hardest hit by the demise of the furniture and textiles? No. Do they care that rising fuel costs have created major hardships for the non-elites among us, making even commuting to work problematic? No. They just keep raising our taxes. They continue to use our money to bribe businesses to locate here. Does that help the average guy? No. If these companies are really creating the revenues that we are lied to about, why do we continue to have our taxes raised?

Tony Moschetti
Old Winston Rd (where soon many more of our tax dollars will be wasted!)

June 20, 2006

Friday, June 02, 2006

Senate immigration bill eyes future constituents

I'm confused about the Senate's version of the (illegal) immigration bill, also known as the "let's reward the 12 million illegals who have violated our laws by illegally entering our country" bill. Democrats, real and closeted, tell us of the great benefits of having these folks here to do jobs "that Americans won't do." I understand that to mean mostly low-paying jobs with no benefits.

These people pay little or no income taxes and end up using more tax dollars in food stamps, Medicaid and other social programs. Most send their earnings back to their native countries. How does this help our country?

It helps the dishonest, corrupt politicians who see these people as future constituents. Since the Democrats can't get legislation passed to let felons vote, these mostly uneducated laborers who speak little or no English are the next best thing. These will be the next mindless lemmings voting for the Dems.

This is another transparent ploy to further increase the size of government. We'll have millions of uneducated, low-paid workers straining our welfare system.
Who do you think will be paying the bills?

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
June 02, 2006

Friday, May 26, 2006

Illegal Immigration Bill

I’m confused about the Senate’s version of the (illegal) Immigration Bill, also known as the “let’s reward the 12 million illegals who have violated our laws by illegally entering our country” Bill. Democrats, real and closeted, tell us of the great benefits of having these folks here to do the work “that Americans won’t do.” I understand that to mean mostly low paying jobs with no benefits. These people who pay little or no income taxes, end up using more tax dollars in food stamps, Medicaid, and other social programs. Most of them send their earnings back to their native countries. How does this help our country?

It helps the dishonest, corrupt politicians who pushed for this, and who see these people as future constituents. Since the Democrats can’t get legislation passed to let felons vote, these mostly uneducated laborers who speak little or no English, are the next best thing. These will be the next mindless Lemming vote for the Dems. This is simply another transparent ploy to increase the size of government even further. We’ll have millions of uneducated, low paid, workers straining our welfare system. Who do you think will be paying the bills?

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

May 26, 2006

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Andrew Brod’s attack on tax cuts, at least Bush’s tax cuts, employs the favorite tool of those who wish to distort any issue, including tax cuts or oil company profits. Brod tells us that most of the money is “given” (another favorite misused term of the distorters, who think that us being able to keep more of our own money is government “giving” us something.) to the very wealthy, while of course omitting the pertinent fact that the wealthy also pay most of the taxes. Being a brilliant college professor, surely he knows that the largest percentage decrease went to those in the 15% bracket, which dropped to 10%, a 33% decrease in taxes for lower waged workers. The top bracket was dropped from 39% to 36%, a 6% decrease. Brod feels the need to explain to those of us not as brilliant as he, that someone making a million dollars would keep more of his money than someone making $40,000, despite having a significantly smaller decrease in their tax rate. To those in the lowest bracket a 33% cut is rather significant, though I doubt Brod actually discusses economic policy with anyone in that bracket. This tactic is also favorite of the oil company demagogues, who tell of the billions in profit that Exxon-Mobil earns, while omitting the fact their NINE percent profit is about half the eighteen percents banks earn, and almost exactly the same as the “low profit” food and beverage industry earns.

Brod also says that investment income, particularly dividend income (people like Brod hate investment income earners), benefits only the wealthy. He stated that those of us regular folks earn only about ten dollars a year in such income. That means the $550 capital gain, and dividend payment I received a few weeks ago from one of my funds must have been a mistake! His “fair and balanced” lecture included his take on the AMT, instituted in 1969, and unchanged since. He then criticizes Bush for not having repealed or changed the AMT. The theme remains constant. The problems caused by the AMT are Bush’s fault. Though Brod was but a tyke at the time, I’ll bet he robustly applauded JFK’s famous tax cutting speech, when Kennedy said it was necessary to cut tax rates to increase revenues to the Treasury. Of course Kennedy didn’t start an unpopular war…. oops! Almost forgot that one.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

May 2, 2006

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gas prices

The hysteria concerning gasoline prices is a sad testament to our failed education system, and to dishonest, self-serving, blowhard politicians, including our spineless president who, while knowing better, has joined the congressional demagogues. These people are shameless. They know that the governments, through excessive taxation, profit more on a gallon of gas than do the oil companies. Our own corrupt state government has burdened us with one of the highest gas taxes in the country. When it’s suggested that they lower or suspend part of the tax we’re told they need the money for the highway fund. Then we discover the crooks have stolen 500 million from the fund for other uses, probably having to do with getting re-elected, or paying off bribes. Why aren’t these thieves in prison? They love to parade before us the corporate criminals, but the crooked politicians exempt themselves from the laws they demand the rest of us obey. Jim Black’s Raleigh address should be Central Prison!

Oil prices are high for a great number of reasons, including huge increases in world demand. The same dishonest politicians who are whining the loudest about rising prices, and our dependence on foreign oil are the ones who have blocked any new exploration, and drilling anywhere on our lands, or off our coasts, or the construction of any new refineries in 30 years. Refining capacity, not supply is the biggest problem The congressional crooks have curtailed the use of MTBE, and mandated ethanol, which is more expensive, must be refined, transported, and stored separately at increased cost. Our enemy is not the oil industry, but rather the corrupt politicians. Their meddling, and over-regulation have driven up the cost of everything that we purchase from aspirin to gasoline. And as they demagogue the oil companies they continue to profiteer.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

April 26, 2006

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Changing our ways for illegal immigrants

Let's let anyone into our country who wants to come. Let's ignore our laws.

Let's make everyone eligible for taxpayer-funded benefits, particularly in-state tuition benefits (except, of course, legal citizens from neighboring states).

In fact, let's do away with all of our laws (except hate crimes, of course), and give amnesty to all lawbreakers.

Why should those who wish to keep a little more of their own money, and cheat on their taxes, be labeled as criminals? After all, it is our money, and it isn 't "their" country.

Why not decriminalize murder, rape, burglary, assault, or pedophilia? This would accomplish two very important agendas: We would no longer be the most crime-ridden society in the Western World, and the Democrats immediately would gain a great number of badly needed new voters.

Finally, those of us who are descendants of legal immigrants would be less offended when we use an ATM machine and the first question on the screen is, English or Spanish?

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
April 15, 2006

Monday, April 10, 2006

Let ‘em in

George Bush is right. Let’s let anyone into our country who wants to come. Let’s ignore our laws. Let’s make everyone eligible for taxpayer funded benefits, particularly in-state tuition benefits (except, of course, legal citizens from neighboring states). In fact, let’s do away with all of our laws (except hate crimes, of course), and give amnesty to all law-breakers. Why should those who wish to keep a little more of their own money, and cheat on their taxes be labeled as criminals? After all, it is our money, and it isn’t ‘their” country. Why not decriminalize murder, rape, burglary, assault, or pedophilia? This would accomplish two very important agendas. We would no longer be the most crime-ridden society in the Western World, and the Democrats would immediately gain a great number of badly needed new voters. Finally, those of us who are descendants of legal immigrants would be less offended when we use an ATM machine and the first question on the screen is, English or Spanish!

Tony Moschetti
High Point

April 10, 2006

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Offensive cartoons

Do we need, or want, another “Sacred Cow” group in our country? Another group that we can’t “offend,” or whose actions we can’t question? Yes, I’m speaking of the Muslims, who can’t seem to escape their 10th Century mentality. They still talk of “infidels,” and “Crusaders.” They don’t understand the abject insanity of murdering those with whom they disagree, or who merely offend them. Truly mind-boggling is that while they take no offense, and even cheer, as their brothers and sisters fly airplanes into buildings, behead innocents, explode bombs on school buses killing children, or in a synagogue, or a shopping mall, etc., but riot in the streets over “offensive” cartoons, threatening to murder the cartoonists. Many of these lunatics reside in countries where government controlled media outlets routinely show or print the most vile anti-Semitic/anti-American/ anti/West garbage. Maybe we should send B-52’s to show our displeasure.

These people want another war of civilizations. They have said as much recently. They create problems in every non-Muslim country where they have significant populations. The cowardly Europeans are scared to death of these people, who refuse to assimilate into European societies. They preach hate in the mosques in France, England, Spain and even in America. We know they have “sleeper cells” here planning future attacks, yet the major concern of our spineless, politically correct politicians and elite media outlets is offending these people who want to kill us. Universities who defend lunatics like Ward Churchill as he spews his anti-American garbage across the country, citing the First Amendment, fire school newspaper editors for merely reprinting the “offensive” cartoons. Has anyone ever been fired for printing offensive materials about Jews or Christians? No. In fact, the media usually attack those who take offense.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

February 21, 2006

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Warrantless searches

What’s the difference between Al Qaeda and Congressional Democrats? There is no difference. In fact, if you look up Al Qaeda in the dictionary, one of the definitions is, “as in congressional Democrats.” There had to be some reason that the Democrats are prepared to do anything to keep the president from having the power to defeat these murdering devils. If the Democrats can’t prevent us from capturing terrorists, they do everything in their power to handcuff us in how we can obtain information from them concerning potential future attacks.

I wondered why Senator Mohammed Al Reid, the leader of the domestic Al Qaeda, would call a press conference to gleefully announce that he had just killed the Patriot Act. Since there has been no documented detention of a single average American citizen, nor have we heard any complaint by the ACLU of such an abuse, one would have to wonder why the senator would be so thrilled about killing this act that has apparently been instrumental in preventing another attack since 9/11. We have Senator Bin Al Leahy, forced to resign from the intelligence committed in the past for leaking classified information, along with Senator Omar Bin Kennedy, and Senator Ramses El Durbin, leading the fight for the Al Qaeda bill of rights, despite recent statements from their spiritual leader, Senator O. B. Laden warning of coming future attacks.

These same people, while doing everything in their power to protect the terrorists, want to impeach the president for his fight to protect our nation from another attack from their close allies. He wants only to use the same warrantless wiretaps used by Democrats against M.L. King, and by Bill Clinton to battle drugs in public housing units. Now I understand why they think the way they do. Preventing attacks is bad for the domestic Al Qaeda crowd since they have nothing to offer in the way of an agenda. They are for nothing, but against everything, even fighting terrorism.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

February 8, 2006

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bin Laden endorses Democrats' platform

The congressional Democrats' most-admired foreign "dissident," Osama bin Laden, has again spoken to them through CNN's sister station, al-Jazeera, thanking them for their support. Saying that he also hates George Bush, he will continue to help them bring down the Bush presidency and, if necessary, the country. Bin Laden recited the Dems' talking points and even mentioned a Gallup poll showing that he and they share many of the same goals.

How did Howard Dean get those talking points to the correct cave in Pakistan?
Dean must have Osama's cell number on speed dial.

Bin Laden particularly praised Sen. Harry Reid for killing the Patriot Act, which is a real thorn in Osama's side. Kudos also went to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Dick Durbin and Sen. Teddy Kennedy, among others, for leading the fight for the al-Qaida "Bill of Rights."

Sleep well, Osama: The Dems are fighting to keep us from intercepting your calls to our country.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
February 05, 2006

Monday, January 30, 2006

Global what?

Dear Ms. Elperin:

I’m sorry to see that you’ve joined so many of your colleagues in the elite, formerly mainstream, media in succumbing to the global warming hysteria. You’re obviously too young to remember that only 30 years ago this same lunatic fringe was warning us of the coming cataclysmic consequences of global cooling. See the attached Newsweek reprint of some whacko environmental group using the same scare tactic language of today’s global warming alarmists. The ten-year figure seems to be one of their favorites. I must have been out of town for the great famine of 1985! Today’s lunatics are using the current hurricane cycle to “prove” their global warming THEORY. In 1975 it was the “most devastating outbreak of tornadoes ever recorded.”

Juliet, the earth has been here, by many accounts, in the BILLIONS of years, yet the environmental lunatics want to take a 10-50 year period, a veritable millisecond or less to expound on some moronic doomsday theory. We keep hearing that the earth has cooled a degree or so in the last hundred years. Please tell me that those people 100 years ago, with no indoor plumbing, somehow figured out the accurate temperature of the earth. Give me a break. Also attached is an AP article concerning the greatest mass extinction in the history of our earth. The extinction was caused, they say by global warming. Must have been all those internal combustion engines, Freon using air conditioners, and aerosol hair spray! Gee, I hate to break it to you, but global warming then was not, and is not today, caused by man. The absolute arrogance that we insignificant creatures can affect nature is simply laughable.

Did you see the devastation caused by the Mt. St Helens eruption? It looked like the surface of the moon. How many years, would it take all of the autos in Washington State, driving 24 hours a day to spew as many pollutants into the air than that one eruption did in a few hours? The place looked like the surface of the moon. Today, if one didn’t know, there would be no way of knowing what happened. Did After Disaster clean up the place, including the atmosphere? No, nature took care of itself as it always does after every natural disaster, such as volcanoes, and man made disasters such as atomic testing at the Bikini Atoll in the 1940’s. Remember all the stories of how long many of the atomic/nuclear substance would take to dissipate? In the hundreds of years, yet some 60 years later the Atoll is almost back to pre-testing conditions. Nature revitalizing itself with no help from pipsqueak man!

I don’t understand how seemingly intelligent people are so short sited. Well, I do understand. These issues have become cause Celebes’ issues with the left. Global warming, drilling in ANWAR, Tookie Williams, Roger Coleman, Alar, DDT, and volumes more. ANWAR is another beauty. The same loons who warned of the destruction of Alaska, and the Caribou herd, over 6 months supply of oil from Prudhoe Bay, are now saying exactly the same things about drilling in ANWAR. The 6-month supply is now 20-30 years ongoing. The caribou, rather than being wiped out have increased 6 fold. I really don’t understand how these loons with such a horrendous track record are still taken seriously. Well, outside your circles, they’re not! If you are serious about being a journalist, you might want to look beyond the usual suspects for your information.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

January 30, 2006

Friday, January 27, 2006

Black sheep liberals

Not only are today’s liberals, led by Congressional Democrats, descendents of Satan, they are the black sheep of the family. Their most admired “dissident,” Osama B Laden while reciting the Dems talking points, also thanked them for their continued support. Saying that he also hates W., he will continue to help them to bring down the Bush presidency, and if necessary, the country. He agreed with the Dems that it is foolishness to waste so much time fighting terrorism when protecting abortion is the major issue of the day, particularly with the right-wing, extremist judge Altio about to be confirmed.

B. Laden particularly praised Senator Reid for killing, the Patriot Act that has been a real thorn in Osama’s side.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

January 27, 2006

Friday, January 06, 2006


I’m flabbergasted that the people of this state continue to elect arrogant, tax happy Democrats. Ironically, those most adversely affected by these mostly regressive taxes are lower income, and middle class workers, the very groups theTax-o-crats claim they care about. Our New Year’s presents from the Tax-o-crats are a 40 percent increase for license tag renewal, a 40 percent increase in cable taxes, and another 15 percent increase in gasoline taxes. Who among you have gotten a 15-40 percent pay raise lately? We now pay higher gas taxes than all but two states. We are the highest taxed of the twelve Southern states, and the only one controlled by the Tax-o-crats. When some sensible legislators argued to rescind the increase the Tax-o-crat governor said the 15 percent increase was “insignificant” and the people wouldn’t even notice. Isn’t this the same tax happy governor who was cited for using the state helicopter for personal use?

We were told that the high gas taxes are necessary to build and repair roads. If so, why have the Tax-o-crat thieves taken millions from the highway fund to use for other purposes? How do the 48 other states with lower gasoline taxes build and maintain roads? How do Texas and Florida, among others, with lower gas taxes, and no state income tax build and maintain roads? I’m looking for the study that shows North Carolina to have one of the best highway systems in the country, as opposed to only one of the most expensive. Thanks to the Tax-o-crats we are in the top quarter of states in taxes, but in the bottom quarter in wages. Even other tax happy Tax-o-crat controlled states like New York or New Jersey don’t tax food. Pennsylvania doesn’t tax food or clothing. It’s time to vote your pocketbook!

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

January 6, 2006

Monday, January 02, 2006

Democrats endangered nation’s security

Never has there been a period in our history when having two, vibrant political parties was more critical to our security, and our economic survival. The Republicans, in control of the congress for 10 years now, are succumbing to the thirst for power, and the corruption that we saw from the Democrats when they had been in control for an extended period of time. The Republicans have learned that the way to keep power is to dole out taxpayer money in massive amounts whether needed or not. The Republicans, presumably the party of small government and fiscal responsibility, have given us bigger government, and even more wasteful spending than had the Democrats during their own reign of horror. The Republicans, after years of acting as the Democrats are now acting, came up a positive agenda, a “Contract for America.”

Unfortunately the Democrats have become an idealess, morally bankrupt whose only issue today is making certain that abortion on demand, the wanton slaughter of millions of innocent, unborn children. The Democrats have recently bragged that they have endangered our nation’s security by killing the Patriot Act, and bragged that they killed Social Security reform. Either they have forgotten 9/11, or that there have been no attacks here since. I don’t think the terrorists have called a truce. Do you think perhaps the Patriot Act might have disrupted the terrorists? Yet the Democrats called a press conference to gloat about their bringing down this legislation so necessary to fighting terrorism.

This same decaying party, despite an ever increasing, untenable, national debt, caused in large part by an explosion in entitlement spending, bragged about defeating Social Security reform. They love to tell us because we have spent 350 billion thus far in Iraq, we can’t meet our obligations here. They don’t tell us that in one year we spend 950 billion on Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

January 2, 2006