How is it possible that the good people of this state continue to keep the Democrats in charge of the legislature? Perhaps it’s our terrible public education system, ranked among the lowest of all 50 states, that fails to properly educate people. Or perhaps our citizens simply like living in the highest taxed of the 12 Southern states, or having the second or third highest gas tax in the country, while being provided the fifth worst roads, as the Democrat controlled legislature steals 500 million dollars from the highway fund, apparently so Jim Black can bribe Mr. Decker to change parties, and then pay Mr. Decker’s legal bills after Decker is indicted for corruption. Hopefully they will soon be cellmates in Central Prison, the Raleigh location best suited for them!
We also, of course, have to provide in-state tuition to illegals, and also provide them with medical coverage, something that far too many of our citizens lack. Who else but Democrats, self-identified champions of the “little” guy, tax the purchase of food, the most regressive of all taxes?
Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC
October 27, 2006