Dear Mr. Friedman:
So the world hates us, except of course when they have a major catastrophe, earthquake, Tsunami, etc., or need us to fix something somewhere in the world. We've been here for 250 or so years and have left the rest of world in the dust in terms of our economy and our military strength. We had to save full-grown Europe twice when we were still children and adolescents.
Who cares if they hate us, mostly because of their envy of our success?
"His own ideological bubble." Does that mean he does what he says he'll do? Does that mean he won't waste his presidency sucking up to vile terrorists such as Yassar Arafat? Arafat spent more time in the White house than did Hilliary. What good did it do. What long term affect did Jimmie's love affair with the terrorists have? What about all the Clinton Administrations dealing with North Korea do? Now the remnants of that administration criticize Bush for not doing what they did. What exactly is it they did right. They, like most deranged liberals, thought we could just sit down and talk with these people, let them male their nuclear weapons, don't attack terrorist strongholds, refuse the Sudanese offer to hand over O.B. Laden, give missile guidance technology to the Chinese, and so on and so forth. Gee, all of that worked out really well didn't it?
May his "ideological bubble" is simple common sense, and a recognition of what has been tried since "Jimmie's" beloved administration has made the world a much more dangerous place. And now they, instead of looking for a long-term solution, want yet another useless "cease fire", or let's give the terrorists time to regroup and rearm. Give me a break, please. We should re-arrange the world map without the Middle East. The terrorism and the Middle East conflict would cease. See how simple it is?
Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC
July 31, 2006