Following publication of my last letter blasting our tax happy City Clowncil, and their ringleader in picking our pockets, the Mayoress, I got phone calls from two of the good folks involved. One was all for the never-ending tax hikes for our citizens, some who have not had a pay raise in two or three years, and one (the only one) who voted against the budget. He told me that he was tongue lashed by the Mayoress for his no vote. She must be a Democrat! She should move to New Jersey and run for office, a place where the Democrats shut down the state by arguing over WHICH taxes to raise! If high taxes solve budget problems, why isn’t New Jersey rolling in dough?
The other clowncil member insisted that I was wrong when I said we pay considerably more for electricity than Duke Power customers, and that our rate increase was less than 1 percent. I sent him the figures from my bill, and cost per kilowatt-hour posted on the Duke Power website for my zip code. The difference was 18 percent. So with only a small increase, it’s now 19 percent! He also asked me which services I’d like to see cut. I asked him if he thought we had enough ball fields yet in High Point. I also asked what percentage of the residents used these ball fields. I also suggested that if people want more ball fields they should pay a usage fee just as golfers do at the two city courses. Why can’t they have their neighbors pay for their golf? Finally he suggested that since the street on which I live is to be widened, so I should be happy. That one really set me off, and I’ll explain why in my next letter.
Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC.
July 11, 2006