It's time for a "Declaration Against Intolerable Black Paranoid Whiners."
These self-anointed "leaders" (an oxymoron) do their community a disservice by blaming all of their problems on white racists.
I did not see an outpouring of community support, crossing racial, ethnic and religious lines, for Willie Best like we saw for David Wray. Yet, there was no outrage from Concerned White Leaders at his ouster.
The decision was accepted and everyone moved on.
Apparently, the BPWs feel that if you are black, you can't be fired whether or not you are competent.
Apparently, the BPWs think that school authorities are going into classrooms and randomly picking out black students, who are simply quietly doing their lessons, and suspending them. It's not a secret that blacks create most of the discipline problems in our schools.
That's why they are suspended, not because they are black.
Not many of these black "leaders" could get elected dogcatcher in a district where the qualifications are more than simply being black. This is true not because they are black, but because they are out of the mainstream of society.
Make all candidates run countywide to test my theory.
Tony Moschetti
High Point
News & Record
July 19, 2006