Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Offensive cartoons

Do we need, or want, another “Sacred Cow” group in our country? Another group that we can’t “offend,” or whose actions we can’t question? Yes, I’m speaking of the Muslims, who can’t seem to escape their 10th Century mentality. They still talk of “infidels,” and “Crusaders.” They don’t understand the abject insanity of murdering those with whom they disagree, or who merely offend them. Truly mind-boggling is that while they take no offense, and even cheer, as their brothers and sisters fly airplanes into buildings, behead innocents, explode bombs on school buses killing children, or in a synagogue, or a shopping mall, etc., but riot in the streets over “offensive” cartoons, threatening to murder the cartoonists. Many of these lunatics reside in countries where government controlled media outlets routinely show or print the most vile anti-Semitic/anti-American/ anti/West garbage. Maybe we should send B-52’s to show our displeasure.

These people want another war of civilizations. They have said as much recently. They create problems in every non-Muslim country where they have significant populations. The cowardly Europeans are scared to death of these people, who refuse to assimilate into European societies. They preach hate in the mosques in France, England, Spain and even in America. We know they have “sleeper cells” here planning future attacks, yet the major concern of our spineless, politically correct politicians and elite media outlets is offending these people who want to kill us. Universities who defend lunatics like Ward Churchill as he spews his anti-American garbage across the country, citing the First Amendment, fire school newspaper editors for merely reprinting the “offensive” cartoons. Has anyone ever been fired for printing offensive materials about Jews or Christians? No. In fact, the media usually attack those who take offense.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

February 21, 2006