Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Warrantless searches

What’s the difference between Al Qaeda and Congressional Democrats? There is no difference. In fact, if you look up Al Qaeda in the dictionary, one of the definitions is, “as in congressional Democrats.” There had to be some reason that the Democrats are prepared to do anything to keep the president from having the power to defeat these murdering devils. If the Democrats can’t prevent us from capturing terrorists, they do everything in their power to handcuff us in how we can obtain information from them concerning potential future attacks.

I wondered why Senator Mohammed Al Reid, the leader of the domestic Al Qaeda, would call a press conference to gleefully announce that he had just killed the Patriot Act. Since there has been no documented detention of a single average American citizen, nor have we heard any complaint by the ACLU of such an abuse, one would have to wonder why the senator would be so thrilled about killing this act that has apparently been instrumental in preventing another attack since 9/11. We have Senator Bin Al Leahy, forced to resign from the intelligence committed in the past for leaking classified information, along with Senator Omar Bin Kennedy, and Senator Ramses El Durbin, leading the fight for the Al Qaeda bill of rights, despite recent statements from their spiritual leader, Senator O. B. Laden warning of coming future attacks.

These same people, while doing everything in their power to protect the terrorists, want to impeach the president for his fight to protect our nation from another attack from their close allies. He wants only to use the same warrantless wiretaps used by Democrats against M.L. King, and by Bill Clinton to battle drugs in public housing units. Now I understand why they think the way they do. Preventing attacks is bad for the domestic Al Qaeda crowd since they have nothing to offer in the way of an agenda. They are for nothing, but against everything, even fighting terrorism.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

February 8, 2006