Monday, April 10, 2006

Let ‘em in

George Bush is right. Let’s let anyone into our country who wants to come. Let’s ignore our laws. Let’s make everyone eligible for taxpayer funded benefits, particularly in-state tuition benefits (except, of course, legal citizens from neighboring states). In fact, let’s do away with all of our laws (except hate crimes, of course), and give amnesty to all law-breakers. Why should those who wish to keep a little more of their own money, and cheat on their taxes be labeled as criminals? After all, it is our money, and it isn’t ‘their” country. Why not decriminalize murder, rape, burglary, assault, or pedophilia? This would accomplish two very important agendas. We would no longer be the most crime-ridden society in the Western World, and the Democrats would immediately gain a great number of badly needed new voters. Finally, those of us who are descendants of legal immigrants would be less offended when we use an ATM machine and the first question on the screen is, English or Spanish!

Tony Moschetti
High Point

April 10, 2006