I’m confused about the Senate’s version of the (illegal) Immigration Bill, also known as the “let’s reward the 12 million illegals who have violated our laws by illegally entering our country” Bill. Democrats, real and closeted, tell us of the great benefits of having these folks here to do the work “that Americans won’t do.” I understand that to mean mostly low paying jobs with no benefits. These people who pay little or no income taxes, end up using more tax dollars in food stamps, Medicaid, and other social programs. Most of them send their earnings back to their native countries. How does this help our country?
It helps the dishonest, corrupt politicians who pushed for this, and who see these people as future constituents. Since the Democrats can’t get legislation passed to let felons vote, these mostly uneducated laborers who speak little or no English, are the next best thing. These will be the next mindless Lemming vote for the Dems. This is simply another transparent ploy to increase the size of government even further. We’ll have millions of uneducated, low paid, workers straining our welfare system. Who do you think will be paying the bills?
Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC
May 26, 2006