Monday, January 30, 2006

Global what?

Dear Ms. Elperin:

I’m sorry to see that you’ve joined so many of your colleagues in the elite, formerly mainstream, media in succumbing to the global warming hysteria. You’re obviously too young to remember that only 30 years ago this same lunatic fringe was warning us of the coming cataclysmic consequences of global cooling. See the attached Newsweek reprint of some whacko environmental group using the same scare tactic language of today’s global warming alarmists. The ten-year figure seems to be one of their favorites. I must have been out of town for the great famine of 1985! Today’s lunatics are using the current hurricane cycle to “prove” their global warming THEORY. In 1975 it was the “most devastating outbreak of tornadoes ever recorded.”

Juliet, the earth has been here, by many accounts, in the BILLIONS of years, yet the environmental lunatics want to take a 10-50 year period, a veritable millisecond or less to expound on some moronic doomsday theory. We keep hearing that the earth has cooled a degree or so in the last hundred years. Please tell me that those people 100 years ago, with no indoor plumbing, somehow figured out the accurate temperature of the earth. Give me a break. Also attached is an AP article concerning the greatest mass extinction in the history of our earth. The extinction was caused, they say by global warming. Must have been all those internal combustion engines, Freon using air conditioners, and aerosol hair spray! Gee, I hate to break it to you, but global warming then was not, and is not today, caused by man. The absolute arrogance that we insignificant creatures can affect nature is simply laughable.

Did you see the devastation caused by the Mt. St Helens eruption? It looked like the surface of the moon. How many years, would it take all of the autos in Washington State, driving 24 hours a day to spew as many pollutants into the air than that one eruption did in a few hours? The place looked like the surface of the moon. Today, if one didn’t know, there would be no way of knowing what happened. Did After Disaster clean up the place, including the atmosphere? No, nature took care of itself as it always does after every natural disaster, such as volcanoes, and man made disasters such as atomic testing at the Bikini Atoll in the 1940’s. Remember all the stories of how long many of the atomic/nuclear substance would take to dissipate? In the hundreds of years, yet some 60 years later the Atoll is almost back to pre-testing conditions. Nature revitalizing itself with no help from pipsqueak man!

I don’t understand how seemingly intelligent people are so short sited. Well, I do understand. These issues have become cause Celebes’ issues with the left. Global warming, drilling in ANWAR, Tookie Williams, Roger Coleman, Alar, DDT, and volumes more. ANWAR is another beauty. The same loons who warned of the destruction of Alaska, and the Caribou herd, over 6 months supply of oil from Prudhoe Bay, are now saying exactly the same things about drilling in ANWAR. The 6-month supply is now 20-30 years ongoing. The caribou, rather than being wiped out have increased 6 fold. I really don’t understand how these loons with such a horrendous track record are still taken seriously. Well, outside your circles, they’re not! If you are serious about being a journalist, you might want to look beyond the usual suspects for your information.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

January 30, 2006