Monday, January 02, 2006

Democrats endangered nation’s security

Never has there been a period in our history when having two, vibrant political parties was more critical to our security, and our economic survival. The Republicans, in control of the congress for 10 years now, are succumbing to the thirst for power, and the corruption that we saw from the Democrats when they had been in control for an extended period of time. The Republicans have learned that the way to keep power is to dole out taxpayer money in massive amounts whether needed or not. The Republicans, presumably the party of small government and fiscal responsibility, have given us bigger government, and even more wasteful spending than had the Democrats during their own reign of horror. The Republicans, after years of acting as the Democrats are now acting, came up a positive agenda, a “Contract for America.”

Unfortunately the Democrats have become an idealess, morally bankrupt whose only issue today is making certain that abortion on demand, the wanton slaughter of millions of innocent, unborn children. The Democrats have recently bragged that they have endangered our nation’s security by killing the Patriot Act, and bragged that they killed Social Security reform. Either they have forgotten 9/11, or that there have been no attacks here since. I don’t think the terrorists have called a truce. Do you think perhaps the Patriot Act might have disrupted the terrorists? Yet the Democrats called a press conference to gloat about their bringing down this legislation so necessary to fighting terrorism.

This same decaying party, despite an ever increasing, untenable, national debt, caused in large part by an explosion in entitlement spending, bragged about defeating Social Security reform. They love to tell us because we have spent 350 billion thus far in Iraq, we can’t meet our obligations here. They don’t tell us that in one year we spend 950 billion on Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

January 2, 2006