If ignorance were a crime our jails would be bulging with liberals. Amazingly, these lunatics wear their ignorance as a badge of honor. Let’s explore the enemies of the left. Their newest target is Wal-Mart. The liberals have declared war on Wal-Mart, as they have on most institutions that are good for our country. When asked by Pew Research whether Wal-Mart is good or bad for the country, real people, by 64-24% answered good, while only 45% of liberals answered good.
Next on their enemies list are the oil companies. Oil is the lifeblood of Western Civilization. Without oil we’d be Afghanistan. 1000 years ago (or today!). Liberals have demagogued this industry for as long as I can remember, while using their products each day to enhance their otherwise miserable lives. When gasoline prices rise, they are the first ones to wail. Now that oil and gasoline prices have plummeted, the idiots on the left are actually talking about a “conspiracy” by Bush to lower gasoline prices! Honest. You can’t make this stuff up. Once again, what’s good for America is bad for Demo-rats. Lower gas prices are suddenly bad. Madness. Despite having been told for 35 years, that we’re running out of oil, including Jimmy Carter telling us in 1978 that there were only ten years reserves left, we now discover that we’ve used only about 18 percent of total supplies, leaving enough for about 140 years. Don’t tell Al Gore or Jimmy Carter!
Also, abortion: good. Executing convicted murderers: bad. Illegal drugs: good. Pharmaceutical companies: bad. Calling Bush a Nazi in our schools: good. Saying, “under God” in the pledge: bad. Harsh questioning of terrorists: bad. Using the same tactics on women and children at Waco: good. Liberals are God’s joke on the rest of us.
Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC
September 16, 2006