Wednesday, December 28, 2005

NY Times and treason

The New York Times, along with most in the elite media, led the charge to have someone (preferably Karl Rove!) indicted for “outing” Valerie Plame, claiming the “outing” endangered our national security. The “Times” later, thanks to a leak, printed classified information concerning our “rendition” program that authorizes sending terrorist suspects to friendly foreign countries for incarceration, and interrogation. Even worse, the “Times”, based on yet another leak, made public classified information concerning warrantless domestic eavesdropping on U.S. based international phone calls and e-mails. These actions have apparently prevented at least one potential terrorist attack on the Brooklyn Bridge. So much for the “Times” concern for our security, or their disdain for leakers!

In the Plame case, a two-year investigation by a special prosecutor discovered there was no “outing”, because Plame did not meet the requirements of having been overseas in a covert position within the past five years, and that the source was aware of her status, and still leaked her name. Even more damaging to the charges were statements made in October of 2003 by NBC news reporter Andrea Mitchell that it was well know among many reporters that Plame was with the CIA. I don’t recall the “Times” reporting that fact. In any event, the “Times” has not yet explained how releasing the name of someone in a desk job at CIA headquarters endangered our security. Nevertheless, the “Times” would not let the story die, as they endlessly conjectured that Karl Rove would (hopefully!) be indicted. The “Times” subsequently “outed” two classified, terrorism-fighting programs that could well endanger our security. It appears that the main objective of the “Times” is to destroy the Bush Administration, and if that means supplying classified information to our enemy, so be it. So much for the “Times” concern for our security

Why is the “Times” absolutist when it comes to insisting they have the “right” to aid our enemies, but has a very different view of free speech when it comes to a valedictorian wishing to utter a prayer at a graduation ceremony? The “Times” while insisting the First Amendment gives them the right to print distortions, half-truths, and outright lies, when on numerous occasions they altered, or even attributed quotes to people who never said what the “Time” quoted them as having said. Yet, the “Times” routinely suggests there is a “wall of separation” between church and state that prohibits any prayer by any student at any graduation ceremony. This phantom wall illegally prohibits Nativity scenes on public property, or saying the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools, or permitting school to have the word “Christmas” on school calendars. Apparently to some, calling a Christmas tree a Christmas tee is establishing a religion!

From where did this phantom, “wall of separation” term emanate? Yes, Thomas Jefferson used the term in a private letter to a Baptist Congregation in Connecticut. It had nothing to do with government policy or the Constitution. In fact, the very next day Jefferson attended church services in the House chamber, as he did until his term ended. More than 150 years later in 1947, Justice Hugo Black, a former KKK member who hated Catholics, put this misused term in a Supreme Court opinion that he authored. The case concerned the reimbursement of bus fares, from public funds, to Parochial School students. Today the “Times” and their ideological allies have rewritten history to make us believe that the Framers used this meaningless term to construct some illusory “wall” between church and state. First Amendment prohibits government interference in the “right” to practice one’s religion, not the practice of religion. The “Times” and other secularists have twisted a simple document into something it was never meant to be. Perhaps it is time to revisit the absolutism of the First Amendment to bring it up to date. After all, we’re routinely told that the Constitution is a “living” document.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

December 28, 2005

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Wal-Mart drives the liberals crazy

Readers comment on Wal-Mart

On Dec. 18, in connection with an opinion piece arguing that Wal-Mart helps, not harms, the poor, we asked readers their opinion of the world's largest retailer. Here's what some had to say:

Wal-Mart drives the liberals crazy

Of course I shop at Wal-Mart. Why? Primarily because Wal-Mart drives the liberals crazy, as do most things that are good for the majority of mainstream Americans. Sebastian Mallaby's article detailed the billions in savings provided to lower income workers. The primary Wal-Mart antagonists are the archaic, greed-driven labor unions, which drive up the cost of everything in our society, making many items unaffordable for many.

Wal-Mart is killing unionized grocery stores where shoppers pay ridiculous prices for the necessities of life because of the greed of labor unions. Are cashiers worth $30,000-$40,000 per year, as they were getting in the union stores until Wal-Mart showed up?

The entire airline industry (what's left of it) is in bankruptcy or on the verge because of the greedy unions continually wanting more, while producing less. The auto industry is close behind, with the major cause being union contracts calling for lifetime benefits whether or not the companies are profitable. New York transit workers, with incomes of $50,000 to $75,000, were striking during this busy Christmas season for even more. They couldn't care less about the havoc they created.

We need Wal-Mart Air or Wal-Mart Transit! Then watch the unions scream.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
December 25, 2005

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Democratic senators' protests unbelievable

If this were 1943 (World War II) most of the Democrats in the Senate would be indicted for treason. Jane Fonda became one of the most reviled persons in America because of her support for our enemy.

Today, we unbelievably have U.S. senators doing their best to aid our current enemy, Muslim terrorists. Forget that every prominent Democrat now attacking the president for "lying" said exactly the same things about Saddam, and Jay Rockefeller in 2002 called him an "imminent" threat. Rockefeller lied. Clinton lied. Kennedy lied. Kerry lied. Levin lied. But hey, that's OK, they're Democrats, and that's what Democrats do, protected by their lapdogs in the elite media.

Now, they're obsessed with torture. Shouldn't we be able to do to terrorists what the Clinton administration did to Americans, including innocent women and children at Waco? Democratic senators were not outraged at the deaths of approximately 90 people there. I guess ramming tanks into the home of oddball Christians, or murdering Randy Weaver's wife as she stood holding her young child, is fine with them, but they draw the line at harassing terrorists with chained dogs.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
December 1, 2005

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Waco and torture

If this were 1943 (WWII) most of the Democrats in the senate would be indicted for treason, and about half of them would be hanged or shot. A good start! Jane Fonda became one of the most reviled persons in our country because of her open support for our enemies. Today we have not mindless private citizens, but mindless U.S. Senators doing their very best to aid our, and the world’s, enemy of today, Muslim terrorists. Let’s not even get into the WMD fiasco, and which prominent Democrats said what concerning the issue, and when they said it. A key aspect of being a Democrat is the obvious inability to understand the concept of videotape, and a penchant for rewriting history. But now, let’s talk about torture. The Senate Democrats love to tell the world how our soldiers are torturing their favorite people (after abortionists, who also murder innocent children), Muslim terrorists.

When actual torture was visited upon American citizens (by the Clinton gang), including many innocent women and children who burned to death, at Waco in the 90’s no outraged senators flooded the airwaves with talk of torture. I guess they approve of the torture of some oddball Christian sect, but draw the line at Muslim terrorists. The Democrats were livid when chained dogs were allowed to show their teeth at terrorists, but had no problem with the military (despite Posse Comitatis ) ramming a tank into the living quarters of the oddball Christians, or with a government agent shooting to death Randy Weaver’s wife, who at the time was holding their child, and who had been charged with no crime other than being a conservative Christian. I wonder what Al Qaeda would trade us for four “blue” state senators of their choice?

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

November 15, 2005

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Honorless Ms. Boxer

The Honorless Ms. Boxer:

There could be no more appropriate spokespersons for today’s Demagogic Party than you than Commander Kennedy, hero of the Battle of Chappaquiddick. You both are obviously the offspring of Satan. Hopefully one day soon you will both be rejoining him. It is unbelievable what has happened to your once great party. If there is a hell, you and those like you will surely end up there. You are a bunch of useless, lying bastards who care nothing about this country, or the people who inhabit it.

Your outrageous, but not unexpected, session with Ms, Rice proves beyond any reasonable doubt that you belong to a crumbling, dying party. It is wonderful to watch as you strive to join the other dinosaurs in our museums. You folks are so demented you can’t figure out why you have the fewest Senate seats since the 1920’s. Keep doing what you’ve been doing, and after the 06’ election you’ll have fewer still, but still won’t know why. As for your charges against Ms. Rice concerning WMD, simply take a look at your party’s own statements concerning the issue. You despicable, lying hypocrites should all burn in hell. I don’t know if you are stupid, or simply blatantly dishonest. It is obvious you don’t understand the concept of Google, or videotape. You are too stupid to understand that even though your lapdogs in the elite media will shill for you, their influence is decreasing just like your party. You might want to take another look at the electoral map of cities and counties to see where you really stand with the honest, hard-working people.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

January 18, 2005

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Don't blame storms on global warming

The Katrina/Bush disaster has brought the global warming loons out in droves. I don't remember the same reaction to the Andrew/Clinton disaster. We know that Bush, by failing to sign Kyoto, caused Katrina. Did Clinton, by not signing Kyoto during his eight years, cause Andrew? I've forgotten who caused Camille, but no matter, you get the point.

Back to the global warming/global cooling lunacy. On April 28, 1975, Newsweek printed an article submitted by the "Global Climate Coalition" titled, "The Cooling World" which warned us of the coming disastrous effects of global cooling. The article warned us of "ominous" changes in the earth's weather patterns, and went on to list the coming cataclysmic events (within 10 years) that would befall us all, including a worldwide famine due to reduced agricultural production for a century. They spoke of the "mounting mountain of evidence" of global cooling.

Interestingly, as proof, they told us of, "the most devastating outbreak of tornadoes ever recorded," during the previous April. So according to the "global whatever" lunatics, hurricanes are caused by global warming and tornadoes are caused by global cooling.

Hey, I'm convinced, though I must have slept through the great famine of 1985.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
September 24, 2005

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Our 'war president' isn't listening

COUNTERPOINT: Our 'war president' isn't listening


I feel I must reply to Tony Moschetti's Counterpoint (Aug. 18). For someone with such a conservative view, he seems to get a lot of his letters in both local "liberal media" newspapers he seems to disdain.

Yes, we on the "left" are aware that Cindy Sheehan has met with President Bush before. There are many news sources - print, TV, Internet - that have covered that point quite extensively, not just Rupert Murdoch's agenda-driven outlets. Maybe Moschetti should check out the Aug. 22 Newsweek, page 36. Or maybe even just check any of the hundreds of news Web sites, both liberal and conservative, which have had more than a mere glance at the subject.

The fact remains that Sheehan would like to speak to the president again. Maybe the shock of the death of her son, Casey, and meeting the president was too much to handle at the time. Or perhaps all that has come to light during the past year has brought up enough questions to make her feel a second meeting is necessary.

I, along with many others, feel he should make a little time to speak to her. He is vacationing in Crawford for 36 days, but he is the "war president." And people are starting to question that war more and more every day. His refusal to speak to Sheehan is just feeding the fire. Wouldn't it be best to speak to her and help kill that spark, at least? Maybe that would further his ability to "get on with life."

The writer lives in High Point.

News & Record
August 30, 2005

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Full story on Sheehan not being told

COUNTERPOINT: Full story on Sheehan not being told


I feel compelled to respond to Nathan Golden's misguided plea for President Bush to "face grieving mom" Cindy Sheehan. Mr. Golden, as with most of the left, is either vastly uninformed or being blatantly dishonest concerning Mr. Bush and Ms. Sheehan.

Bush met with Sheehan, and other families of fallen soldiers, at Fort Lewis, Wash., in June 2004. After the meeting Sheehan told a local Vacaville, Calif., reporter, "I now know he's sincere about freedom for Iraqis." She followed with, "I know he feels pain for our loss" and added that Bush "gave us the gift of happiness of being together."

Why has no major publication, reporter, columnist, editorial writer or news organization on the left reported those pertinent facts? I think we all know why. The truth does not support their anti-Bush, anti-war and sometimes anti-America agenda.

Simply look at the protagonists pushing this, who say, "Why won't the president meet with this poor woman, and answer her questions." Not a single, supposedly reputable news organization (except for Fox, of course), during their endless hand-wringing, has mentioned the previous meeting or Sheehan's words afterward.

Also gone unreported (surprise) is that the remainder of the Sheehan family is on the opposite side of this issue. Though her husband Patrick has declined to comment publicly, his family issued the following comments: "We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the expense of her son 's good name and reputation."

They added, "The Sheehan family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq war, and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. The rest of the Sheehan family supports the troops, our country and our president, silently, with prayer and respect." Casey's Aunt Cherie, on behalf of his paternal grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, signed this e-mail.

It is incomprehensible that any legitimate news organization could report endlessly on this issue and not even mention the salient facts stated above. Why anyone in our country today would trust any information coming from our "elite" media without verifying it through other reliable sources is beyond my comprehension. I ask those of you on the left, if the truth is on your side, why are you compelled to continually misreport and distort so many issues dear to your hearts?

The writer lives in High Point.

News & Record
August 18, 2005

Monday, August 08, 2005

Spend a billion more to fix our schools

Your front-page article Aug. 5 detailing the continuing failures of our public schools is disturbing but not surprising. The problem persists because we do not spend enough money on education. Perhaps another hundred million dollars or so would solve the problem. How about a billion? It's also obvious that we have far too few overpaid administrators. Even more surprising is how this can happen with the collection of geniuses we have on the school board.

The crux of the problem is that we test students on reading and writing. Bad approach. Let's test them on the important issues such as self-esteem and the virtues of diversity. The scores would skyrocket.

In the meantime, we need for the Democrats on the board of commissioners to institute an immediate 100 percent property tax increase and put in a countywide lottery so that something can be done about the embarrassingly low $43,000 average teacher salary. Of course, they have to work 10 months. We must also immediately add more administrators, bringing them up to level of the average parochial school system. Then perhaps we could get a quarterly, audited financial report signed by the superintendent (see Sarbanes-Oxley) detailing where every dollar goes.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
August 8, 2005

Monday, June 27, 2005

Private property

Contrary to 40 years of lies by liberals concerning their affection for the “little guy”, and claiming to be the defenders of individual rights, the liberal idiots on the Supreme Court have conclusively proven the opposite to be true. I’ve tried for years to debunk these myths of liberal compassion (except for criminals and terrorists) by these elitist hypocrites. This court, sworn to protect the Constitution, has systematically shredded this once sacred document. These fools have sanctioned the inhuman late term abortion of the innocent, while outlawing the death penalty for the likes of the BTK mass murderer. They’ve championed sodomy while striking down the requirement to notify the parents of a 13 year old seeking an abortion. They, incredibly, blessed the recent campaign finance legislation, a blatant suppression of free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment. The latest bit of lunacy from these liberal “injustices” may be the most egregious yet, an attack on private property rights, the cornerstone of a free society.

These elitist fools, without even a whimper of protest from the elitist liberal media, also self-proclaimed defenders of the common man, have incredulously ruled that government can now take your home, or your business, not to build a road or a park, but to give it to another private entity, such as a wealthy developer who wants to develop your land for his or her private enrichment. Un-elected judges have seized control of our country. They have decided that they will be the arbiters of how our society will function. These elitist slugs believe that they know better than us how our land should be used, or how best our money should be spent. The tyranny of judges must be stopped just as the tyranny of a similar Monarchy was stopped 230 years ago.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

June 27, 2005

Saturday, June 25, 2005


The latest bit of lunacy coming from the buffoons, referred to as County Commissioners, screams out for all of these locoweeds to be elected countywide. Whoever began the idiocy of minority districts should be deported. We have people with access to our wallets that couldn’t get elected dogcatcher in mainstream America. These districts would elect O.J. Simpson or Michael Jackson if they had the chance. I’m tired of being governed by some people whose sole qualification for office is the color of their skin. Worse, one of these clowns gets to play chairman. This folks, is reparations at its worst.

I wonder what percentage of the taxes that fund our county comes from these minority districts, and what percentage is used directly by these districts. Let’s have a countywide vote on how many of us actual taxpayers want our already ridiculously high taxes raised again to fund a civil rights museum or a pay raise for these clowns. Now we are told they were just kidding about 250, 000 that they need another 6 million. It is truly time for a taxpayer revolt in Guilford County. Start with permitting only taxpayers to vote!

Tony Moschetti
High Point

June 25, 2005

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Social Security

Is there no end to the hypocrisy of liberal Democrats? From 1998-2003 we heard Clinton, Sandy Berger, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Madeline Albright, Bob Graham, and Ted Kennedy, and others, talk of the WMD possessed by Saddam. They warned of the danger posed by this FACT. Then in 2003 they told us that George Bush LIED to us about the WMD, despite having had access to the same intelligence as Bush, who unlike his predecessor, acted on the intelligence.

In 1998 Bill Clinton spoke of the need to fix Social Security. Senator Moynihan spoke often on the subject. Senator Reid in 1999 said he had no problem with private accounts as part of Social Security. Bill Clinton later named a bi-partisan panel led by Senator John Breaux to come up with recommendations to head off the coming crisis. Clinton ignored the recommendations. He was not about to tackle any serious, difficult problem, including terrorism. Former Senator Bob Kerrey has spoken extensively on the need for reform. Now the Democrats are again opposing something they once supported, saying there is no problem. I’ll bet they now even oppose peace between the Israelis and Palestinians!

Tony Moschetti
High Point

February 10, 2005

Friday, January 21, 2005

Liberals change tune about Social Security

I am not an expert on the massive Ponzi scheme called Social Security, but I am an expert on dishonest, hypocritical, liberal Democrats who insist there is no coming crisis.

They had a vastly different take in 1998 when Bill Clinton spoke of the Social Security crisis and the Washington media lap dogs took up the mantra.

David Broder of the Washington Post wrote extensively on the crisis. Clinton said that all of his administration's economic achievements were threatened by the looming fiscal crisis in Social Security. This was his response to those who insisted on cutting taxes because of a projected large budget surplus.

In September 1998, Vice President Al Gore, House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Ted Kennedy, among others, held a pep rally on the Capitol steps to save Social Security. Each, in turn, parroted, "Save Social Security first," as they warned that the future was "dire" if something wasn't done. Now, seven years later, with nothing having been done by Clinton or Congress to fix this "serious fiscal crisis," these same people vehemently insist there is no crisis. Is this attitude change due to stupidity, dishonesty, or both?

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
January 21, 2005

Friday, January 07, 2005

Democrats self destruct

For 10 years now I’ve watched with glee as the Democrats have rapidly self-destructed to the point where they have the fewest members in the senate since the 1920’s. They have gone from being the party of Harry Truman and John Kennedy who believed in a strong defense to deter our enemies, to the party of Michael Moore, Howard Dean, anti-God, pro-abortion, the ACLU whose intent it is to destroy our way of life, and the laughable cartoon characters who make up the Black Congressional Caucus, a group so far out of the mainstream they would need a heat shield to return. These fools led the charge to demagogue the Electoral College vote yesterday. Some of the comments of these fools were right off the far left wing lunatic websites. Scarily, supposedly mainstream Senators Barbara Boxer, and Mrs. Clinton had to follow their lead to mollify their modern day slave constituency, and keep them in line.

One of these loons, Sheila Jackass Lee of Texas told us that she came here as a slave and now has lost her right to vote. Folks, this lunatic is a member of congress. Maxine Waters began her mindless tirade by thanking Michael Moore for bringing us the truth about 9/11. Mr. Moore, and his thoroughly discredited film were honored by the Black Caucus at the Democratic Convention. These idiots, answerable to no one, are handed 43 seats in the congress based solely on the color of their skin. They achieve great power and notoriety even though few in any of them would ever be elected to anything in mainstream district. Have you ever wondered why none of them has ever run for a statewide post? For the same reason John Edwards declined to run for re-election. Almost every black elected to a statewide position has been a Republican.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

January 7, 2005