Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Honorless Ms. Boxer

The Honorless Ms. Boxer:

There could be no more appropriate spokespersons for today’s Demagogic Party than you than Commander Kennedy, hero of the Battle of Chappaquiddick. You both are obviously the offspring of Satan. Hopefully one day soon you will both be rejoining him. It is unbelievable what has happened to your once great party. If there is a hell, you and those like you will surely end up there. You are a bunch of useless, lying bastards who care nothing about this country, or the people who inhabit it.

Your outrageous, but not unexpected, session with Ms, Rice proves beyond any reasonable doubt that you belong to a crumbling, dying party. It is wonderful to watch as you strive to join the other dinosaurs in our museums. You folks are so demented you can’t figure out why you have the fewest Senate seats since the 1920’s. Keep doing what you’ve been doing, and after the 06’ election you’ll have fewer still, but still won’t know why. As for your charges against Ms. Rice concerning WMD, simply take a look at your party’s own statements concerning the issue. You despicable, lying hypocrites should all burn in hell. I don’t know if you are stupid, or simply blatantly dishonest. It is obvious you don’t understand the concept of Google, or videotape. You are too stupid to understand that even though your lapdogs in the elite media will shill for you, their influence is decreasing just like your party. You might want to take another look at the electoral map of cities and counties to see where you really stand with the honest, hard-working people.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

January 18, 2005