Friday, January 07, 2005

Democrats self destruct

For 10 years now I’ve watched with glee as the Democrats have rapidly self-destructed to the point where they have the fewest members in the senate since the 1920’s. They have gone from being the party of Harry Truman and John Kennedy who believed in a strong defense to deter our enemies, to the party of Michael Moore, Howard Dean, anti-God, pro-abortion, the ACLU whose intent it is to destroy our way of life, and the laughable cartoon characters who make up the Black Congressional Caucus, a group so far out of the mainstream they would need a heat shield to return. These fools led the charge to demagogue the Electoral College vote yesterday. Some of the comments of these fools were right off the far left wing lunatic websites. Scarily, supposedly mainstream Senators Barbara Boxer, and Mrs. Clinton had to follow their lead to mollify their modern day slave constituency, and keep them in line.

One of these loons, Sheila Jackass Lee of Texas told us that she came here as a slave and now has lost her right to vote. Folks, this lunatic is a member of congress. Maxine Waters began her mindless tirade by thanking Michael Moore for bringing us the truth about 9/11. Mr. Moore, and his thoroughly discredited film were honored by the Black Caucus at the Democratic Convention. These idiots, answerable to no one, are handed 43 seats in the congress based solely on the color of their skin. They achieve great power and notoriety even though few in any of them would ever be elected to anything in mainstream district. Have you ever wondered why none of them has ever run for a statewide post? For the same reason John Edwards declined to run for re-election. Almost every black elected to a statewide position has been a Republican.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

January 7, 2005