Friday, January 21, 2005

Liberals change tune about Social Security

I am not an expert on the massive Ponzi scheme called Social Security, but I am an expert on dishonest, hypocritical, liberal Democrats who insist there is no coming crisis.

They had a vastly different take in 1998 when Bill Clinton spoke of the Social Security crisis and the Washington media lap dogs took up the mantra.

David Broder of the Washington Post wrote extensively on the crisis. Clinton said that all of his administration's economic achievements were threatened by the looming fiscal crisis in Social Security. This was his response to those who insisted on cutting taxes because of a projected large budget surplus.

In September 1998, Vice President Al Gore, House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, Sen. Barbara Boxer and Sen. Ted Kennedy, among others, held a pep rally on the Capitol steps to save Social Security. Each, in turn, parroted, "Save Social Security first," as they warned that the future was "dire" if something wasn't done. Now, seven years later, with nothing having been done by Clinton or Congress to fix this "serious fiscal crisis," these same people vehemently insist there is no crisis. Is this attitude change due to stupidity, dishonesty, or both?

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
January 21, 2005