Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Our 'war president' isn't listening

COUNTERPOINT: Our 'war president' isn't listening


I feel I must reply to Tony Moschetti's Counterpoint (Aug. 18). For someone with such a conservative view, he seems to get a lot of his letters in both local "liberal media" newspapers he seems to disdain.

Yes, we on the "left" are aware that Cindy Sheehan has met with President Bush before. There are many news sources - print, TV, Internet - that have covered that point quite extensively, not just Rupert Murdoch's agenda-driven outlets. Maybe Moschetti should check out the Aug. 22 Newsweek, page 36. Or maybe even just check any of the hundreds of news Web sites, both liberal and conservative, which have had more than a mere glance at the subject.

The fact remains that Sheehan would like to speak to the president again. Maybe the shock of the death of her son, Casey, and meeting the president was too much to handle at the time. Or perhaps all that has come to light during the past year has brought up enough questions to make her feel a second meeting is necessary.

I, along with many others, feel he should make a little time to speak to her. He is vacationing in Crawford for 36 days, but he is the "war president." And people are starting to question that war more and more every day. His refusal to speak to Sheehan is just feeding the fire. Wouldn't it be best to speak to her and help kill that spark, at least? Maybe that would further his ability to "get on with life."

The writer lives in High Point.

News & Record
August 30, 2005