Sunday, December 25, 2005

Wal-Mart drives the liberals crazy

Readers comment on Wal-Mart

On Dec. 18, in connection with an opinion piece arguing that Wal-Mart helps, not harms, the poor, we asked readers their opinion of the world's largest retailer. Here's what some had to say:

Wal-Mart drives the liberals crazy

Of course I shop at Wal-Mart. Why? Primarily because Wal-Mart drives the liberals crazy, as do most things that are good for the majority of mainstream Americans. Sebastian Mallaby's article detailed the billions in savings provided to lower income workers. The primary Wal-Mart antagonists are the archaic, greed-driven labor unions, which drive up the cost of everything in our society, making many items unaffordable for many.

Wal-Mart is killing unionized grocery stores where shoppers pay ridiculous prices for the necessities of life because of the greed of labor unions. Are cashiers worth $30,000-$40,000 per year, as they were getting in the union stores until Wal-Mart showed up?

The entire airline industry (what's left of it) is in bankruptcy or on the verge because of the greedy unions continually wanting more, while producing less. The auto industry is close behind, with the major cause being union contracts calling for lifetime benefits whether or not the companies are profitable. New York transit workers, with incomes of $50,000 to $75,000, were striking during this busy Christmas season for even more. They couldn't care less about the havoc they created.

We need Wal-Mart Air or Wal-Mart Transit! Then watch the unions scream.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
December 25, 2005