Thursday, December 01, 2005

Democratic senators' protests unbelievable

If this were 1943 (World War II) most of the Democrats in the Senate would be indicted for treason. Jane Fonda became one of the most reviled persons in America because of her support for our enemy.

Today, we unbelievably have U.S. senators doing their best to aid our current enemy, Muslim terrorists. Forget that every prominent Democrat now attacking the president for "lying" said exactly the same things about Saddam, and Jay Rockefeller in 2002 called him an "imminent" threat. Rockefeller lied. Clinton lied. Kennedy lied. Kerry lied. Levin lied. But hey, that's OK, they're Democrats, and that's what Democrats do, protected by their lapdogs in the elite media.

Now, they're obsessed with torture. Shouldn't we be able to do to terrorists what the Clinton administration did to Americans, including innocent women and children at Waco? Democratic senators were not outraged at the deaths of approximately 90 people there. I guess ramming tanks into the home of oddball Christians, or murdering Randy Weaver's wife as she stood holding her young child, is fine with them, but they draw the line at harassing terrorists with chained dogs.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
December 1, 2005