Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Iraqi streets safer than the streets of America?

Rarely does a day pass without the daily recitation of the number of Americans killed in Iraq in the last year. The liberals and their lapdog shills in the elite media went orgasmic when they could tell us that 1,000 Americans had been killed. A great day for the liberals. One newspaper had a gigantic headline saying only, "1,000."

Let's put that number in some sort of perspective. Last year, in three of our more famous "blue" cities, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles, 1,695 Americans were killed. They were not killed by terrorists or insurgents or enemy combatants, but by their fellow Americans, in civilized "blue" America. "Blue"

America must be one of the two Americas of which John Edwards constantly speaks.
Despite the constant barrage of negative media reporting by the liberal media, and the endless demagoguery of the Kerry campaign concerning the dangerous conditions in Iraq, it appears to be safer in Iraq than in "blue" America.

The article detailing the 1,695 deaths was a small, four-paragraph story buried inside the newspaper. We didn't get a running total each day. There was no blaring headline at 1,000 killed. Never saw a report on the evening news. I wonder why the huge difference in reporting the deaths of Americans in Iraq and in "blue" America. I wonder why Sen. John F. Fonda, or his girlie boy running mate, never brought it up during the debates. I guess I'm just naive.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
October 13, 2004