Thursday, October 21, 2004

Civilian and military war dead are significant

Readers of the News & Record won't be surprised to see Tony Moschetti sinking to a new low of warped Republican demagoguery (letter, Oct. 13).

Moschetti claims that the significance of the deaths of more than 1,000 Americans is exaggerated by the "liberal media" since last year 1,695 Americans were killed in "three of our more famous 'blue' cities, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles."

Moschetti, of course, overlooks the fact that Bush sent Americans killed in Iraq into harm's way based on false, ever-changing premises and without an exit strategy or any understanding of the chaos he would be creating.

Moschetti is, of course, totally unconcerned with the fact that our "crusade for freedom" in Iraq has resulted in the deaths of many thousand Iraqis, mostly innocent men, women and children - numbers that go unreported in the elite media and especially on Fox News.

At least seven more Americans have been killed in Iraq since Moschetti's letter was published.

Keith Cushman

News & Record
October 21, 2004