Sunday, September 23, 2001

Gas price increases are unconscionable

Why is it that in times of crisis when most Americans unite against a common enemy, a few profiteers show their fangs? Among the usual suspects are the oil profiteers. We have seen huge increases in gas prices overnight. Why? In almost every case that product has been paid for. It is current stock. How can that price change?

Once the tanks are filled and the bill paid I doubt whether a request for additional payment is sent. If the dealer paid $1 per gallon and charged $1.10 per gallon, why all of a sudden with no new delivery does he begin to charge $1.20 per gallon? He is still selling the same product for which he paid $1.

The dealers, whom most of us trust, tell us that they are told what price to charge by those from whom they buy the gasoline. If this is not gouging, what is it, and who is responsible?

Don't tell me about probable cuts in production, or rises in the price of crude oil. Those products will not arrive as refined gasoline for 90 days or more. We will understand a price increase at that time. But will someone in the oil distribution or wholesaling business please explain to us why you are again profiteering during a time of crisis? And what kind of people are you to do such a dastardly thing?

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
September 23, 2001