Friday, September 07, 2001

Election holiday isn't union plot

Regarding the proposed Election Day holiday, Tony Moschetti wrote (letter, Aug. 17), "This is just a ploy to give the unions, who already have a holiday on Election Day, even more time to round up folks, take them to the polls and direct them to vote for Democrats even if they know nothing about the person for whom they are 'voting.' "

Being a registered Republican and union worker whose wife is also a registered Republican and union worker, I would like to know where these so-called Election Day facts came from. Our neighbor is also a union worker and between the three of us we are members of three of the largest unions in the country. None of us gets the day off for elections.

Is this just another right-wing zealot who thinks he can throw the words "union" and "liberal" together and it is automatically the truth?

Because North Carolina is one of the least-unionized states in the country and, nationwide, there are only about 16 million union members in a country of about 200 million voters, the writer seems mighty nervous. Why?

Is it because he knows the extremists in the Republican Party are pushing us moderates away and we could eventually pull a Jim Jeffords and abandon him and his party?

Oh, and I expect there were a few people who voted for Republicans even if they knew nothing about the person for whom they were "voting."

Doug Ross

News & Record
September 7, 2001