Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Folks, hide your money. Satan's stepchildren, the Dumbo-Rats (a strange mutation from Democrats, to Taxocrats, to Dumbo-Rats) have taken charge of the treasury. They're already promising tax increases because Bush's tax cuts have been costing the Treasury money.


According to the CBO in 2006 individual tax revenues were up 13% and corporate revenues 27%, despite constant demagoguery by Dumbo-Rats that corporations get too many tax breaks. This huge jump in corporate tax revenues comes as the corporate tax rate has been reduced from 48% in 2003 to 34% in 2006. The D-rats continue to insist that tax cuts cost the economy.


Despite a recession in 2000, 9/11, and Iraq, the deficit in 2006 was 20% lower than projected, and by 2008 is estimated to be 98 billion, 70% less than projected, and will be approximately 1% of GDP, less than half the 2.4% average of the past 40 years. The Dumbo-Rats must be really stupid, really dishonest, or really corrupt. How about all three!

It's hard to believe that JFK was a Democrat. Way back when (at least some) Democrats were actually for the little guy, rather than just running out the issue for every election cycle. A time when (at least some) Democrats were concerned with the defense of our country. A time when (at least some) Democrats were pro growth. Remember Kennedy's famous speech when he said that in order to increase revenues to the treasury we must cut tax rates. He did, it worked then, and has worked ever since. The only ones unable to understand this time-tested concept are Dumbo-Rats. Apparently lapse into a coma and miss the annual Christmas season, when retailers make most of their annual profit. How did they do it? By cutting prices 10-50 percent, and selling huge volumes. If they were as stupid as the Dumbo-Rats, they would increase prices, driving off most of their customers.

You would think that eventually these fools would catch on. Of course, then you would also assume these they fools actually have working brains! In the late 80's when Bush the elder was president, he caved to Dumbo-Rat demands for tax increases to reduce the, then, 140 billion dollar deficit. The deficit went to 230 billion (of course many Dumbo-Rats thought that was a reduction!) Bush, as he should have been, was sent packing. These fools are now in charge again. God help us. That may not even be enough!

Tony Moschetti
February 12, 2007