Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Gas prices

The hysteria concerning gasoline prices is a sad testament to our failed education system, and to dishonest, self-serving, blowhard politicians, including our spineless president who, while knowing better, has joined the congressional demagogues. These people are shameless. They know that the governments, through excessive taxation, profit more on a gallon of gas than do the oil companies. Our own corrupt state government has burdened us with one of the highest gas taxes in the country. When it’s suggested that they lower or suspend part of the tax we’re told they need the money for the highway fund. Then we discover the crooks have stolen 500 million from the fund for other uses, probably having to do with getting re-elected, or paying off bribes. Why aren’t these thieves in prison? They love to parade before us the corporate criminals, but the crooked politicians exempt themselves from the laws they demand the rest of us obey. Jim Black’s Raleigh address should be Central Prison!

Oil prices are high for a great number of reasons, including huge increases in world demand. The same dishonest politicians who are whining the loudest about rising prices, and our dependence on foreign oil are the ones who have blocked any new exploration, and drilling anywhere on our lands, or off our coasts, or the construction of any new refineries in 30 years. Refining capacity, not supply is the biggest problem The congressional crooks have curtailed the use of MTBE, and mandated ethanol, which is more expensive, must be refined, transported, and stored separately at increased cost. Our enemy is not the oil industry, but rather the corrupt politicians. Their meddling, and over-regulation have driven up the cost of everything that we purchase from aspirin to gasoline. And as they demagogue the oil companies they continue to profiteer.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

April 26, 2006

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Changing our ways for illegal immigrants

Let's let anyone into our country who wants to come. Let's ignore our laws.

Let's make everyone eligible for taxpayer-funded benefits, particularly in-state tuition benefits (except, of course, legal citizens from neighboring states).

In fact, let's do away with all of our laws (except hate crimes, of course), and give amnesty to all lawbreakers.

Why should those who wish to keep a little more of their own money, and cheat on their taxes, be labeled as criminals? After all, it is our money, and it isn 't "their" country.

Why not decriminalize murder, rape, burglary, assault, or pedophilia? This would accomplish two very important agendas: We would no longer be the most crime-ridden society in the Western World, and the Democrats immediately would gain a great number of badly needed new voters.

Finally, those of us who are descendants of legal immigrants would be less offended when we use an ATM machine and the first question on the screen is, English or Spanish?

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
April 15, 2006

Monday, April 10, 2006

Let ‘em in

George Bush is right. Let’s let anyone into our country who wants to come. Let’s ignore our laws. Let’s make everyone eligible for taxpayer funded benefits, particularly in-state tuition benefits (except, of course, legal citizens from neighboring states). In fact, let’s do away with all of our laws (except hate crimes, of course), and give amnesty to all law-breakers. Why should those who wish to keep a little more of their own money, and cheat on their taxes be labeled as criminals? After all, it is our money, and it isn’t ‘their” country. Why not decriminalize murder, rape, burglary, assault, or pedophilia? This would accomplish two very important agendas. We would no longer be the most crime-ridden society in the Western World, and the Democrats would immediately gain a great number of badly needed new voters. Finally, those of us who are descendants of legal immigrants would be less offended when we use an ATM machine and the first question on the screen is, English or Spanish!

Tony Moschetti
High Point

April 10, 2006