Friday, December 03, 2004

School violence

Why all the hand-wringing, and gnashing of teeth over the continuing violence in our left wing indoctrination camps, mistakenly identified as public schools? It’s obvious the problems are due to lack of funding and lack of diversity, the two most important aspects of our comical education system today. Hey, these folks are simply prepping for a career in the NBA, another monument to the benefits of diversity. A possible short-term fix would be to appoint Ron Artest to head the conflict resolution experiment until the school board can go to court to sue for another five or ten million to pour down this endless black hole.

How did we end with a society where the schoolhouse is one of the most dangerous places you can leave your children? How can an institution with continually increasing funding be such an abject failure? Why are forced, because of political correctness, and total gutlessness of politicians, and school administrators, to put up with the never- ending violence of on small segment of our society? What in the name of heaven is wrong with these people? Are they genetically disposed to violence, or is it a total lack of any kind of decent rearing? This hip-hop culture is dragging our country into the gutter. They can’t even have a televised awards show without violence. It is about time that the so-called leaders of this community stops looking for racism around every corner, and begins addressing the serious problems in their own community.

Butch Davis recently criticized Steve Arnold for a tongue in cheek slap at the problems at the Andrews Correctional facility. Mr. Davis needs to spend more time trying to solve this violence problem, and less time criticizing the one person with the courage to speak out on this ridiculous issue.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

December 3, 2004