God gave us liberals for two reasons: for comic relief and to be able to study brain damage without traveling to the nearest asylum. You assail the independent counsel law, a law that liberals loved for 20 years when Democrats controlled Congress and used the law to harass Republican administrations. When the Nixon, Reagan and Bush administrations were targets of these partisan witch hunts, we didn't read of your outrage. You hypocrites loved this law so long as it appeared that Democrats would control its implementation.
Did you ever complain of Walsh's seven-year, multi-million dollar vendetta?
Were you outraged as Ollie North's father was dragged before the grand jury as you were about Monica's mother? Were you outraged when Casper Weinberger was indicted on the Friday before the 1992 elections even though it was common knowledge he, along with George Schultz, were the most vehement opponents of the arms sales? Were you outraged when the Democratic speaker told us that even the most ludicrous of charges had to be investigated, such as that George Bush had been taken to the airport in the trunk of a car so he could fly to Iran to make a deal to keep Americans hostage until after the election? Were you outraged when Charles Colson was jailed for releasing a single FBI file? The only difference between this administration and Nixon were tape recordings and John Dean. Without them nothing could have been proven.
Tony Moschetti
High Point
News & Record
September 17, 1998