I suspect that when one applies to be an editorial writer for the News & Record, he or she is given an EEG. If there is a trace of a brain wave or indication of a single living cell, the applicant is rejected.
Ned Cline, following the party line of all brain-damaged liberals, meaning all liberals, tells us that repealing the food tax is bad because rich people save more money. Even he admits that the savings are a much higher percentage of the low income earner's total income. He glosses over that very important fact, then goes on the usual liberal line that the rich man will save more money.
Of course he will. He spends a lot more money. But he spends a lot lower percentage of his income, almost 600 percent using your own figures. So the low income person gets a nearly 600 percent bigger break than the rich person because of the repeal of the tax, but the twisted liberal mind strikes out because the rich person probably robbed the poor person to become rich.
What is it about liberals that makes them want to always pit one American against another? If we get a break on our taxes, it is not good because someone else gets a bigger break. They never tell us that these same people pay more in taxes. Why can't liberals figure it out? Simple, they have no living brain cells.
Tony Moschetti
High Point
News & Record
February 21, 1997