In a recent speech Kweisi Mfume, new head of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colossal Paranoia) said, ''racism, sexism and anti-Semitism are wrong. As long as there is an NAACP they will never enjoy a quiet and acceptable existence.''
Mfume had better take a look at the Greensboro chapter, which is littered with racists among its leadership. On a recent broadcast of Dennis Elliot's '
'Opinion Please'' on WMFR radio, which I co-hosted, a member of the NAACP, C.C.
Draughn was a telephone guest. His reason for the appearance was to explain why the NAACP was unhappy with the decision of the school board not to fire Kent Byrd.
After listening for a few minutes to the same tired paranoia of this group of dinosaurs, I suggested that there were enough real problems facing the black community that might be addressed by the NAACP rather than continuing to waste their time on these nonissues.
I suggested that among these problems is the nearly 80 percent illegitimacy rate. Draughn replied that the main reason for the high illegitimacy rates is white boys raping black girls.
Even the far-left leaning Elliott was flabbergasted at such a statement. He asked Draughn if that was what he really meant to say. He confirmed the statement. Imagine the furor if a white person had said that the main reason for the growing illegitimacy rate among white women is black boys raping them. I'm anxious to see the media reaction to this incident of a blatant racist remark by a representative of the NAACP.
Tony Moschetti
High Point
News & Record
February 24, 1996