Thursday, December 19, 1996

You editorialists are just looney

How does one even come close to detailing the perpetual lunacy of the idiotorial staff of the News & Record in 250 words or less. In fact, 250,000 words would not be sufficient. And I only take the newspaper on weekends. The never ending moronic, liberal, drivel forced me to cancel my subscription two years ago, except for weekends for the TV guide and Sunday sports. But even those two days produce enough nonsense from these fools that I may cancel even that. Give some examples you say. Well half my words are already used up, but let's take the most recent twisted logic of the fools who make up the editorial staff.

We were told of the great class with which Hector Rivera left his post. You morons, it was the Republican majority on the board who acted with class. Instead of firing him in the middle of the night, as did that crowd you shill for when they fired Brenda Jones in such an underhanded manner, they let him resign and gave him carte blance as to the method and timing.

After the Republicans treated him with class, it was discovered he had mailed out contracts to people for high-paying positions with the county only hours before his resignation. Real class act this Rivera.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
December 19, 1996

Wednesday, September 25, 1996

Abortion opponents are not extremists

In a recent commentary (Sept. 8), Patricia Chamings, a registered nurse who teaches nursing, tells us that ''right to life'' groups misrepresent the partial birth abortion.

Perhaps the ''right to kill'' groups should enlighten us as to the reality of this procedure. Why not simply televise the procedure in question and let us decide for ourselves. The Learning Channel regularly televises surgical procedures of almost every nature so I'm certain it would agree to show us this routine surgical procedure. Then the extremist ''right to life'' groups would be forced to apologize to the ''right to kill'' groups.

Chamings also tells us that the late term abortions are never performed on healthy mothers carrying healthy babies. If that is true, then why are the ''right to kill'' groups so adamantly opposed to any legislation outlawing late term abortions?

Chamings tells us this rare procedure is ''sometimes'' used to protect the life of the mother. She then quotes the executive director of the American Nurses Association as saying that ''very few'' of these procedures are performed each year and are ''usually'' done to protect the life of the mother. I am intrigued by the words ''sometimes,'' and ''usually.''

How much longer can a society exist where those who term the murder of the innocent unborn, ''a woman's right to choose'' and label those who oppose these millions of murders as extremists?

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
September 25, 1996

Wednesday, March 13, 1996

Moschetti missing common courtesy

On Feb. 16, I was a guest on the Dennis Elliott radio show which was co-hosted by Tony Moschetti on WMFR in High Point.

Contrary to Moschetti's slanted remarks regarding why I was a guest, I was asked to speak to the NAACP's position regarding incidents of alleged racism and prejudice in any arena, not just as it relates to the school board and the Jamestown school incident.

While I was attempting to explain the NAACP's role in the community and the organization's mission, Moschetti continually interrupted me rudely to try to express his negative opinion of the organization and make derogatory remarks about its leadership and purpose.

Moschetti is grossly misinformed when he intimates that there is an 80 percent illegitimacy rate in the African-American community. It is presumptuous of him to think that he can identify problems that need to be addressed by the NAACP. Considering Moschetti's lack of common courtesy, it is a wonder that anything he has to say can be taken without a grain of salt.

In retrospect, I will admit that I was wrong in attempting to reason with an individual who shows no respect for the opinions of others, much less can express himself without resorting to negative criticism.

The NAACP enjoys a long an arduous tenure of living up to its stated purpose, ''To voice the indignation of what was, and is, happening to people of color.''

In order to change history, it must first be understood. Moschetti needs to do his homework.

C.C. Draughn

News & Record
March 13, 1996

Saturday, February 24, 1996

Comment on radio revealed racial bias

In a recent speech Kweisi Mfume, new head of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colossal Paranoia) said, ''racism, sexism and anti-Semitism are wrong. As long as there is an NAACP they will never enjoy a quiet and acceptable existence.''

Mfume had better take a look at the Greensboro chapter, which is littered with racists among its leadership. On a recent broadcast of Dennis Elliot's '

'Opinion Please'' on WMFR radio, which I co-hosted, a member of the NAACP, C.C.
Draughn was a telephone guest. His reason for the appearance was to explain why the NAACP was unhappy with the decision of the school board not to fire Kent Byrd.

After listening for a few minutes to the same tired paranoia of this group of dinosaurs, I suggested that there were enough real problems facing the black community that might be addressed by the NAACP rather than continuing to waste their time on these nonissues.

I suggested that among these problems is the nearly 80 percent illegitimacy rate. Draughn replied that the main reason for the high illegitimacy rates is white boys raping black girls.

Even the far-left leaning Elliott was flabbergasted at such a statement. He asked Draughn if that was what he really meant to say. He confirmed the statement. Imagine the furor if a white person had said that the main reason for the growing illegitimacy rate among white women is black boys raping them. I'm anxious to see the media reaction to this incident of a blatant racist remark by a representative of the NAACP.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
February 24, 1996

Comment on radio revealed racial bias

In a recent speech Kweisi Mfume, new head of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colossal Paranoia) said, ''racism, sexism and anti-Semitism are wrong. As long as there is an NAACP they will never enjoy a quiet and acceptable existence.''

Mfume had better take a look at the Greensboro chapter, which is littered with racists among its leadership. On a recent broadcast of Dennis Elliot's '

'Opinion Please'' on WMFR radio, which I co-hosted, a member of the NAACP, C.C.
Draughn was a telephone guest. His reason for the appearance was to explain why the NAACP was unhappy with the decision of the school board not to fire Kent Byrd.

After listening for a few minutes to the same tired paranoia of this group of dinosaurs, I suggested that there were enough real problems facing the black community that might be addressed by the NAACP rather than continuing to waste their time on these nonissues.

I suggested that among these problems is the nearly 80 percent illegitimacy rate. Draughn replied that the main reason for the high illegitimacy rates is white boys raping black girls.

Even the far-left leaning Elliott was flabbergasted at such a statement. He asked Draughn if that was what he really meant to say. He confirmed the statement. Imagine the furor if a white person had said that the main reason for the growing illegitimacy rate among white women is black boys raping them. I'm anxious to see the media reaction to this incident of a blatant racist remark by a representative of the NAACP.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
February 24, 1996