Who says no one is perfect? Rosemary Yardley's perfectly moronic column on Rush Limbaugh (Oct. 26) keeps her perfect record intact. This was the 252nd consecutive time she has been wrong in 252 attempts. Is that not perfection?
She tells us that Rush is irrelevant because he is primarily an entertainer.
Yet who is more entertaining than our former president Hillary Rodham and her faithless companion Slick? The voters certainly took them seriously on Election Night despite the fact that they mostly just entertain us.
As for relevance, a national phone poll of 1,000 voters on Election Night asked 21 questions, one of which was, ''Who do you think has been more straightforward in discussing issues of the election, Rush Limbaugh and talk radio (34.3 percent), national media (26.9 percent)?'' So who is more relevant as to how we receive information?
Another of the poll questions was, ''Do you consider yourself to be liberal
(16.4 percent), moderate (33.4 percent), or conservative (43.5 percent)?''
That would appear to show that the so-called mainstream media with its decidedly liberal slant is anything but mainstream.
I'd like to say goodbye to Slick and the Mrs., Jocelyn, Algore, Georgie boy Stefanflopoloser, Rosty (see you in court), the Speaker (should have been the listener), and of course, Mario Cumo, as the Rev. Jesse Jerkson calls him.
Finally, goodbye to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and the big city newspapers. We'll miss you if only for your entertainment value.
Rush is not only right, he is correct.
Tony Moschetti
High Point
News & Record
November 16, 1994