Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Please send me the names of City Council members, and any other politician who is able to extort our money, who earns 20-35K annually. Once again the already overburdened taxpayers are forced to fork out even more to make up for the never-ending fiscal irresponsibility of our elected officials. The mayor tells us that they were “backed into a corner by rising fuel costs and other factors.” Obviously the mayor, and her elitist friends don’t understand that most of the rest of us are in the same corner. The difference is that we can’t extort money from our neighbors to continue to live as we had in the past if we don’t have the “revenues” to do so. We have to make changes in our household budgets to cope with the rising fuel costs and “other factors”, whatever that innocuous term means.

We already pay approximately 25 percent more for electricity than Duke Power customers because of idiotic decisions made by politicians in the past, creating a massive debt. They are the ones who should pay off that debt. Politicians should be required to carry “malpractice” insurance! We have already had increases in our utilities far greater than inflation rates over the past five years. Do the elitists care that this has been one of the areas hardest hit by the demise of the furniture and textiles? No. Do they care that rising fuel costs have created major hardships for the non-elites among us, making even commuting to work problematic? No. They just keep raising our taxes. They continue to use our money to bribe businesses to locate here. Does that help the average guy? No. If these companies are really creating the revenues that we are lied to about, why do we continue to have our taxes raised?

Tony Moschetti
Old Winston Rd (where soon many more of our tax dollars will be wasted!)

June 20, 2006

Friday, June 02, 2006

Senate immigration bill eyes future constituents

I'm confused about the Senate's version of the (illegal) immigration bill, also known as the "let's reward the 12 million illegals who have violated our laws by illegally entering our country" bill. Democrats, real and closeted, tell us of the great benefits of having these folks here to do jobs "that Americans won't do." I understand that to mean mostly low-paying jobs with no benefits.

These people pay little or no income taxes and end up using more tax dollars in food stamps, Medicaid and other social programs. Most send their earnings back to their native countries. How does this help our country?

It helps the dishonest, corrupt politicians who see these people as future constituents. Since the Democrats can't get legislation passed to let felons vote, these mostly uneducated laborers who speak little or no English are the next best thing. These will be the next mindless lemmings voting for the Dems.

This is another transparent ploy to further increase the size of government. We'll have millions of uneducated, low-paid workers straining our welfare system.
Who do you think will be paying the bills?

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
June 02, 2006