Monday, June 27, 2005

Private property

Contrary to 40 years of lies by liberals concerning their affection for the “little guy”, and claiming to be the defenders of individual rights, the liberal idiots on the Supreme Court have conclusively proven the opposite to be true. I’ve tried for years to debunk these myths of liberal compassion (except for criminals and terrorists) by these elitist hypocrites. This court, sworn to protect the Constitution, has systematically shredded this once sacred document. These fools have sanctioned the inhuman late term abortion of the innocent, while outlawing the death penalty for the likes of the BTK mass murderer. They’ve championed sodomy while striking down the requirement to notify the parents of a 13 year old seeking an abortion. They, incredibly, blessed the recent campaign finance legislation, a blatant suppression of free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment. The latest bit of lunacy from these liberal “injustices” may be the most egregious yet, an attack on private property rights, the cornerstone of a free society.

These elitist fools, without even a whimper of protest from the elitist liberal media, also self-proclaimed defenders of the common man, have incredulously ruled that government can now take your home, or your business, not to build a road or a park, but to give it to another private entity, such as a wealthy developer who wants to develop your land for his or her private enrichment. Un-elected judges have seized control of our country. They have decided that they will be the arbiters of how our society will function. These elitist slugs believe that they know better than us how our land should be used, or how best our money should be spent. The tyranny of judges must be stopped just as the tyranny of a similar Monarchy was stopped 230 years ago.

Tony Moschetti
High Point, NC

June 27, 2005

Saturday, June 25, 2005


The latest bit of lunacy coming from the buffoons, referred to as County Commissioners, screams out for all of these locoweeds to be elected countywide. Whoever began the idiocy of minority districts should be deported. We have people with access to our wallets that couldn’t get elected dogcatcher in mainstream America. These districts would elect O.J. Simpson or Michael Jackson if they had the chance. I’m tired of being governed by some people whose sole qualification for office is the color of their skin. Worse, one of these clowns gets to play chairman. This folks, is reparations at its worst.

I wonder what percentage of the taxes that fund our county comes from these minority districts, and what percentage is used directly by these districts. Let’s have a countywide vote on how many of us actual taxpayers want our already ridiculously high taxes raised again to fund a civil rights museum or a pay raise for these clowns. Now we are told they were just kidding about 250, 000 that they need another 6 million. It is truly time for a taxpayer revolt in Guilford County. Start with permitting only taxpayers to vote!

Tony Moschetti
High Point

June 25, 2005