Thursday, February 10, 2005

Social Security

Is there no end to the hypocrisy of liberal Democrats? From 1998-2003 we heard Clinton, Sandy Berger, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Madeline Albright, Bob Graham, and Ted Kennedy, and others, talk of the WMD possessed by Saddam. They warned of the danger posed by this FACT. Then in 2003 they told us that George Bush LIED to us about the WMD, despite having had access to the same intelligence as Bush, who unlike his predecessor, acted on the intelligence.

In 1998 Bill Clinton spoke of the need to fix Social Security. Senator Moynihan spoke often on the subject. Senator Reid in 1999 said he had no problem with private accounts as part of Social Security. Bill Clinton later named a bi-partisan panel led by Senator John Breaux to come up with recommendations to head off the coming crisis. Clinton ignored the recommendations. He was not about to tackle any serious, difficult problem, including terrorism. Former Senator Bob Kerrey has spoken extensively on the need for reform. Now the Democrats are again opposing something they once supported, saying there is no problem. I’ll bet they now even oppose peace between the Israelis and Palestinians!

Tony Moschetti
High Point

February 10, 2005