Monday, January 27, 2003

There's never been a real racism debate

You state in a recent editorial that Trent Lott's demise reopens the debate on racism. There never has been a "debate" on racism, only a one-sided monologue by white liberals, and most minorities. Webster defines racism as believing that some races are inherently superior to others, and as discrimination based on race. I believe that few believe that any race is superior, or inferior, to any other.

Discrimination based on race is widespread in our society and must be eradicated. I refer to affirmative action. Most white liberals and minorities support this race-based discrimination, making them the racists in our society.

Yet, these folks insist on labeling those of us opposed to this abhorrent form of racism, as the racists.

Where, except in the liberal mind, can one decry discrimination against one race, then demand discrimination against other races?

So, please, let's debate racism.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
January 27, 2003