Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Why the violence?

The obvious reason for the increase in violence in the public schools is that we don't spend enough money on education. We also put too much stress on the children by expecting them to be tested regularly to determine whether they are actually learning anything.

How can we expect there not be violence in public schools?

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
November 13, 2002

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Pacifists supporting Arafat's terrorists

I have oft contended that liberalism is derived from a combination of brain damage and having Satan somewhere in your family tree. Some think that I'm joking. Wrong! Why otherwise would anyone align themselves with Yasser Arafat, a barbaric, murdering terrorist? I recently saw a television report that 32 pacifists have joined Arafat in his headquarters and have vowed to stay until the standoff is resolved. This says more about the pacifist movement than anything I could say. Their concern is for the life of one of the world's most notorious terrorists. They apparently condone the wanton murder of innocent people who threaten no one. They apparently condone the teaching of young children that being a suicide bomber is a heroic rather than an evil action.
Pacifists apparently believe that murdering innocents is a form of conflict resolution. Where else but in the liberal mind would such lunacy be concocted?

The Israelis do not have a policy of destruction of the Arabs. The Israelis do not send children into Palestinian areas with bombs attached to their bodies.

They have the right and the duty to defend themselves by taking whatever action is required. This is such a fundamentally simple concept that to deny it one is either brain damaged or evil. Ergo, a liberal!

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
April 18, 2002

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

Misfit protesters, take your cause to Pakistan

I find it ironic that one day after your chilling editorial concerning the brutal murder of Daniel Pearl by the Muslim/Arab barbarians in Pakistan, we hear from that small group of misfits whose only contribution to America is hanging out on street corners and telling us that we are the problem.

These folks are totally detached from reality. If the Pearl murder does not convince these fools that the Arab/Muslim terrorists are pure evil then nothing ever will. They have lived so long with their heads in the sand that I'm surprised they haven't suffocated.

Fortunately, these misfits are but a small segment of our great society. They are the price we pay for freedom. Those of us who do understand that there is evil in the world, and have been willing to fight to defend our freedoms, find it sad that these types reap the benefits of others sacrifices.

I suggest that this group, instead of protesting in Greensboro, take their contingent to the streets of Pakistan. I'm certain they would receive a warm welcome, as they always side with the terrorists.

Perhaps they can meet with Pearl's killers and try to determine what it was Pearl did to so anger them. They can wear peace symbols. They can bring flowers.

I'm sure their Arab/Muslim terrorist friends over there would be more than willing to negotiate with them.

I'm willing to chip in for the airfare.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
March 6, 2002