Tuesday, July 06, 1999

Tobacco settlement cash belongs to the taxpayers

In a recent editorial you advised state lawmakers as to how to dispose of some of the funds extorted from the tobacco industry in a recent settlement.

The funds are supposedly a reimbursement for medical payments made by the state to cover tobacco-related illnesses. First, since it is reported as factual that all treated illnesses were due to the use of tobacco, I must assume that all of the affected patients were at or near their recommended weights, ate low-fat diets, exercised at least three times a week and had no family history of their particular illness.

Second, the state did not pay for medical treatment; the taxpayers of the state paid. Since they confiscated the money from me to pay for medical treatment for people I don't know, and since they then extorted those funds again from the tobacco industry, there is but one honest option as to the disposition of said funds: They should be returned to taxpayers.

Why does that simple logic escape our corrupt lawmakers and apparently you in the Fourth Estate, whose duty it is to be a watchdog over government excesses?

You instead become shills for corrupt politicians.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
July 6, 1999