Sunday, August 20, 1995

Another hate-filled letter

I just read the letter by Tony Moschetti (''Liberals sink to new lows with revisionist thinking,'' Aug. 10) and, as always, his letter was full of hatred and vindictiveness. Moschetti believes that the media and any individual who dares to think a liberal thought should be destroyed.

His letter raved about those who dare print or speak about the latest controversy regarding the dropping of the atom bombs on Japan. While I believe it was the right thing to have done, I respect those who present the facts (something Moschetti disregards) as to the history behind the decision. We now learn that many of the leaders of that time did not believe it was necessary. I saw every documentary and read much this month on the subject and thought it was presented fairly.

It is always a black-and-white situation with Moschetti, liberals versus conservatives. There can never be a middle ground. His hatred for those who think differently is beyond that of a rational thinking person. I have read his stupid letters for many years and have never found a sane thought in any of them. Even the most hardened conservative will not use the vile language, much less the reasoning process, he does.

On leaving this subject, I would leave Moschetti with two words, but unfortunately the paper will not print them. I leave it to Moschetti to fill in the blanks. With his depraved mind, I'm sure he can think of many. It should keep him busy for a long time.

Martin Siegel

News & Record
August 20, 1995

Thursday, August 10, 1995

Liberals sink to new lows with revisionist thinking

Anyone who still doubts that liberalism stems from severe brain damage at birth, with continuing degeneration, need only read this newspaper. The latest from these mutants is the revisionist view of the events of World War II.

This sickening, constant, left-wing diatribe against our country, our way of life, our entire system, is an affront to all thinking people. These mindless fools would have us believe that World War II began in August 1945 rather than after the cowardly sneak attack by the Japanese in 1941, which killed and wounded thousands of Americans, including many civilians. These fools also want us to believe that the Japanese were ready to surrender.

The Japanese are people who got into airplanes and dove into our ships. They are people whose officers committed suicide rather than surrender. They are people who were still in hiding from two to five years after the end of the war rather than surrendering.

Where else but in the liberal mind would the enemy, the aggressor, the imperialist nation, become the victim? Instead of the endless interviews with the survivors of the atomic bombings, why not interviews with our survivors of the Bataan death march?

I suspect that in another 50 years, if the liberals have their way, there will be no mention of Pearl Harbor when discussing the events of World War II, only talk of the nuking of the poor, innocent Japanese.

It is hoped that one day some scientist will invent a pesticide that only affects liberals. He will be a Nobel Prize winner in any number of categories.

Tony Moschetti
High Point

News & Record
August 10, 1995